Thousands of American men and women sign on each year
Direct Sales Company-Tupperware, Amway, or Cosmetics
Company-New, hoping to make enough money for a new curtain
Davenport, or some new clothes. They sell a little goods
Some relatives and close friends. Then they pass. They are
Finish before giving them the opportunity to learn their own foundations
Sales success. "I'm not just a salesperson born," they
Often say.
Who is born to more than one doctor, who is not born to a salesperson
Or born lawyer. Sales is a profession. To succeed
One of the professions must learn not only basic skills
How to apply those techniques. Successful sales take advantage of everything
Ability was born and acquired from all people
Education and experience.
If you are looking for career opportunities or "extra income"
Help the family budget and offer you direct sales to you
The possibility of achieving a dream. However, you have to give yourself
Time to learn sales skills. Ask yourself "How long
Do doctors study? How can a lawyer study? "
What is Direct Selling?
Direct Selling sells products directly to the consumer
The broker is not involved. Be a member of the most reliable company
National Association of Direct Sales
Company is a product they have on public fines
Priced to guarantee a reasonably high consumption.
Most direct sales companies supply their representatives with
The following starter kits and required consumables-cost prices. many
Instance investments are less than $ 100.
There is an old saying that "give a man a fish and you eat"
He for one day. Teach the man to the fish and you feed him for
lifespan. "
Many of them were able to change their lives better. They are
I had a nice vacation with my family and they bought a piano
Organs and provided music lessons for their children. They are
I saved money for university education. They renovated their house,
I bought the necessary furniture. Build one highly successful saleslady
New house
Direct sales rewards are numerous
1. You can be your own boss.
2. You can set your own time.
3. There are few companies that can do their own.
4. You can pay yourself more than any boss will pay you.
5. With business expansion as my common sense.
It's just fair to say that there is a failure, too. there
A person who never works for himself. If you worked for
Bosses get to the office, with them rising early and being well kept
It's time But when they are their bosses, they are still
Bathrobes, drink another cup of coffee at 11:00 am
You can be your own boss and train yourself to do anything
It has to be done when it has to be done, direct sales are
The most rare revenue opportunity.
Tsutsutsu Tsuitsu.
Here are 10 steps to guarantee your success:
1. Become a goal setter. What do you want to achieve? You want to
How to save for college education for your children? New car?
New house?
It is enough to do what must be done to get it. anything
Your goal is to write it down and set a goal date to reach it.
Divide the period into blocks of achievements such as
Reachable Work consistently with daily achievements, each one
Week, what will be set out to make every month. Goal setting is required
Every area of life. Achieved without a little
Clear goals.
2. It is a list maker. Every night list everything you want to do
It takes place the next day. In a systematic approach
Each day. As each task is completed, mark your list. that is
It is amazing how much you are doing
"Do things" list. Also, there will be a list of notes,
Prospects, repeat customers, and referrals, and keep it
With you at all times. You are always added to it.
3. Be enthusiastic. The enthusiasm is that high octane "fuel"
A sales representative runs above. The enthusiasm generates its own energy. energy
And health is in use, synonymous with happy people, people
Who is achieving.
4. Make sure there is a magic word for sale "Please ask." Directly
For sale we do not have to wait for the business to come to us. We will create
Our own business by asking for it. Then ask for a schedule
Do business When you ask for a business, you end up selling it. It's tough.
For the introduction, you always have a complete list of possibilities
client. Quietly, yet firmly and positively.
5. I expect no. No realizes that it is not personal. For sale
Maybe nowhere, the average law works. Get all no
You are close to Jesus. Track your ratio. It helps
Improve your skills. Are you getting ten no's to one yes? Is
Your ratio five to one? Remember, yes it is your income. Also
It is not a "don't remember" thing. "Sometimes" No "
It's simply a stop for more time to think. It may be a request
For more information about your product or service. What's your
The customer is actually buying a guarantee. Warranty from here
Kind attitude and your perfect honesty that you want what you are
It's great for her She will respect you and do business
with you
6. Schedule time wisely. Schedule is a roadmap
Salesperson Travel. It takes frustration from day to day. that is
It guarantees that the necessary things are done and will be done on time.
Plan your work and work your plans.
7. Be positive in your attitude. Like everything, sales success
The area of life is 90 percent attitude and 10 percent aptitude. all
We need to work to develop our constructive thinking habits. I
I am proud to be a sales representative. Sales make our wheels
Economic turn. Bernard Baruch, an adviser to some presidents,
"If all sales people do not sit" take a quote, and so on
Orders for 24 hours, it would be bankrupt our country! "
Every company that produces all kinds of products
A salesperson who drives the product. No sales clerk business
I will be paralyzed
Remember, sales are one of the best paid of all occupations.
Statistics show that good sales people have enjoyed the above income
8. There is an office area. Most direct sales clerk jobs from them
It is essential that your home have a place where you can work
In an organized and efficient manner. Office Plus Strict
I give my working time and respect it. Both are absolutely necessary
So for important valid operation and accurate record keeping
To the success of every business.
9. Involve. Most sales organizations
Stimulate production. As part of the award contest
Business goal. The contest is your business
Worth the considerable dollar in your income.
10. Learn to treat money intelligently. This is a normal nine * two * five
Jobs usually mean salary at the end of the second week.
Direct sales "person in charge" always process money. Direct sales
Instant income and constant income. Therefore. It is absolutely
Needed to be an efficient money manager.
All penny collected from the deposit
Customers to checking account specifically set up for
business. The bank statement shows all the exact records
Money collected and business costs can be confirmed
Confirmation of cancellation, record keeping is simple and accurate.
All but a few "small cash" transactions can be direct
Obtained from a bank statement.
Money is regularly saved, put in attention, and soon develop a second
In addition to working income, income. The long-term goal is
It is to be able to live by retirement in real sales directly
I do not earn interest on savings.
Yes, the financials are cheap, so of course the contents? If so, ask yourself
These questions:
* Am I honest?
* Do I really like people?
* Are I willing to learn?
* Am I willing to work?
* Can I be my own boss?
If your answer is "Yes", to find a good product
For your direct sales market, what you like, what you fill
The needs of many people, and go to work for yourself! .you
You can turn your dreams into reality.
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