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It's tough. :

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Internet Markety Co-founders Rod Stinson and Chris Koehl have brought people around the world a one-step system opportunity. Many companies are joining now because it is still the best time to get on board from a marketing point of view, which is still in its infancy.

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Middle East economy

March 24, 24, 2003, at the Islamic Financial Forum in Dubai, Brad * Burland, Chief Economist for Banks of the United States of America (Samba), Always Gathering in the Middle East

It's tough. :

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24, 2003, Dubai's Islamic Finance Forum, Brad * Burland, Chief Economist for Banks of Saudi Arabia (Samba), Always Gatherings in the Middle East Countries in this region except Turkey and Israel, without prosperity , Failed to reform the economy.

Structural weaknesses, invisible growth, the collapse of unemployment and deteriorating government funding have limited the Arab countries to the role of oil addiction minions. Burland quoted in the Middle East online for $ 54 billion in $ is the combined GDP of all Arab countries, Mexican (or Spanish, economist

According to the Arab League, the gross national product of all its members reached $ 71.2 billion or 2 percent of the world's GNP in 2001-simply double-sub-Saharan Africa.

Even the recent triple price of oil-their main export commodities-population and labor that did not produce sustained growth equal to rapid growth. Algeria's official unemployment rate is 26.4%, 17.2% of Oman, 15.6% of Tunisia, 14.4% of Jordan, 13 pers of Saudi Arabia, even with 8% of work, Egypt needs to grow 6% each year to just stay put There are estimates of the World Bank.

But the actual numbers are much higher. At least one-fifth of the labor force in Saudi Arabia and Egypt go unemployed. One tenth of Saudi women have worked so far. The population of this area has doubled to 3 million in the last quarter century. There are minors near half of the Arab world's inhabitants.

According to the Iranian press, IRNA, the European Commission in the Mediterranean region has a parity income of purchasing power per head of region, with 28 percent in many post-Communist countries in transition. These statistics include Israel per capita income of 84 EU percent and GDP dropped by Palestinian Authority 10 percent and another 15 percent with another 10 percent

In the face of growing unrest social unrest, the Arab government has all those lacking democracy's legitimacy rely more on desperate measures than ever before. For example, "Saudisation" will make room for indigenous idlers who hate 30,000 foreign workers leaving to take these vacant jobs. About one million, generally western, expat's experts remain intact.

The national account of Arab politics is in Tattered. Until the recent surge in oil prices, Saudi Arabia has been able to generate only one budget surplus since 1982. The per capita income of the kingdom plunged from $ 1981 to $ 26,000 at $ 26,000 to $ 2003. Crude oil prices may continue to rise through 2006, further concealing the region's disastrous conditions. But this will only reach an inevitable postponement.

Arab countries are not integrated into the global economy. It is probably Bar-Africa, which is probably the only part of the world, who missed the train of globalization and technological progress completely. Charlene Barshefsky was a US Trade Representative from 1997 to 2001. In a column published by The New York-Times in 2003, she says:

"With regional trade in Islamic countries, Asia, Latin America and European countries want much less than each other's African countries. This reflects both high trade barriers .. And deep isolation Iran, Iraq , Libya brought itself through the support of violence and terrorist groups .. The Middle East is still dependent on oil Today, the United States is a product and produce from 22 members of the Arab League, Afghanistan, Iran Imports just $ 500 million of

Certainly, the Jewish Israelis and secular Turkey aside, have not yet joined the World Trade Organization in the Middle East's 811 largest economies. Only twenty years ago, one of all seven dollars of world export income and one twenty twenty Arab pockets of the world's foreign direct investment flowed.

Today, the Middle East's international trade and FDI share is less than 1.5% of half with Eu. Medium economies like Sweden attract more capital than the whole of the Middle East's Islamic world.

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