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The key to effective discipline

Training a child is one of the most important yet difficult roles of being a parent. Effective training teaches children to be after self-training in life. It helps your child grow to be happy and well-coordinated. Effective and positive discipline helps teach and guide children and feel safe, secure and worthwhile.

Discipline should be based on the child's age, development and temperament. Parental objectives by training their children protect them from danger and help them learn self-control and self-training and develop a sense of responsibility

Children should respect their parents' authority. If they are trained rigorously or unfairly, especially if they involve crying or giving humiliation, children can not respect and trust their parents

Parents must be consistent in their training. Inconsistent disciplines are confusing to children, no matter how old. If parents are inconsistent in the way they train their children, children may find it difficult to respect them. It also indirectly encourages incorrect behavior and can lead to confusion and frustration for children.

Discipline must also be fair. Parents must make sure that punishment is guilty and does not punish too badly or is too loose. The results of their actions should be related to their actions.

Give your child a choice of what to do to stop bad behavior. He appreciates the opportunity to make a decision. Make sure that the rules protecting your child's safety, health and well-being are given top priority. The child is hypersensitive, supporting tired understanding and calming down. It is important to keep in mind that bad behavior can sometimes be contextual evidence.

Is the only time of action and children's communication that will Give your child a hug, a hug, or a pat on your back and give praise when there is admiration. If your child is angry or sad, try to understand the reason. Teach your children good behavior by setting good examples and acting yourself properly and properly.

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