8217; Timely and in detail these common customers' thoughts can affect their own business and overall interests. You may think that the concept of deadly sins is religious and do not apply to you, but if you wish you can find them with negative tendencies and in fact I think that it can be within the strength of.
It's tough. :
Business, make money, get rich
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If this is read, it is introduction, I want to write a scroll-downer, and since it may be other than that, I will introduce the reading as soon as possible.
8217; Timely and in detail these common customers' thoughts can affect their own business and overall interests. You may think that the concept of deadly sins is religious and do not apply to you, but if you wish you can find them with negative tendencies and in fact I think that it can be within the strength of.
Enter the details, as it has changed to the extent that these trends that you don't care affect. If you notice this problem, you can still solve it. I will explain and compare the most common negative trends among people with the corresponding opposite virtues.
Before starting, I need to tell you something. .
I. Most sins come from fear.
I most virtue comes from: love.
III. Sin, evil, negative tendencies show weakness, virtues show strength.
In my opinion, the greatest virtue of all is courage / confidence, because it is the direct fruit of love, to dissipate the fear and see all the other virtues of human being ’s
This is a series of articles on this subject. The whole series contains the following articles: .
1. Pride
2. Envy
3. Eating
4. I love you.
5. Anger
6. Greed
7. Sloth
This is a very destructive tendency. Greed receives a “fair share” and a little more. It concerns not only money but everything else. I will give you some examples.
The examples of greedy people have abundant resources and are not only sharing them but also being people, as well as trying to "spent" others of them sharing resending .
This crime is generally associated with the possession of money, wealth and material. Really greedy individuals don't think they are enough. That's why they don't share. They think they are behind the norm, but their norms have no limits. In addition, they are seeking to spend other's resources. I guess that's what people hate most about greedy individuals.
For example, let's say that someone is a millionaire. This person has family and friends and they know that they are poor. The person in question always tries to use his family and friends. He asks for money regularly. He uses their resources and wastes them. For many years they help him.
They do n’t notice much like this person because they notice that he is self-centered. Their relationship seems to be the only way. Everything is about him. One day they discover that this individual is the richest in family and friend groups. It's everyone hate him when he turns his back against him.
The greed and hatred of other people why they can not understand. Often they confuse this hatred with envy. When you have abundant resources yourself, it is simply unfair to spend resources of much less people than you.
As a business owner, I understand that there is a stereotype of society now. Very rich individuals are often accused of greed, no matter how generous they are. If someone is very rich, many people think that person is greedy, even if they don't know him / her. Especially the aversive (feel the envy of others People tend to think that the rich are greedy.
When you don't greed does not appear in your life ト ン share your wealth with others. There is no obligation to share personal belongings. If you are rich, understand that many people will reinvent your prosperity. They accuse you of being greedy, even when you are not. You are not obligated to share your money or resources with anyone. That's fact. Now, truly greedy people are hated not because of their wealth, but because of their attitude. Let me explain
Greed is an attitude. It comes from the fear of losing what you already have. It is not like a glutton trying to consume more than necessary. I am worried about not giving it. The greedy people think that they have so much that they can not do. They focus on getting and receiving.
I will give some examples to help you notice the difference. Let's say that you are a millionaire and you live a good life. There are a lot of people who don't like it. They will forgive your prosperity. Coming to a stranger is still for money. They could be very old friends friends friends friends friends. Do you get points?
Well, you always reject these people and send them back to that place. They say and go out: “The greedy bastard, I want him / she will die.” By not sharing your own with these hate, you are not greedy, you Being wise. Why would you share your hard-earned wealth with people who didn't help getting it? When people receive stuff for freedom, they don't appreciate it. Do not know how rich it is, share it and make it money for strangers.
On the other hand, if you regret the fact that you took friends for lunch and spent a few bucks, while you are rich, that's greed. Another example of greed is: .
Your Own Offshore Corporation Import goods into the country where you live. There are very few employees, an organization and its maritime country. They produce most of your profit for many years. You pay them a small income on wages. They produce over five hundred times more than you pay them. You know this, you don't care. You have not raised their pay for many years. Some of them ask for a rise. I threaten and burn it. They start a revolt. You need to close the company. You lose a lot of money. That's greed!
Greedy opposes generously. While not obliged to share your resources with someone, generous people do it and often do it. I say how generous people are: they are not afraid to be poor. They give and enjoy doing it. I live in many areas in this cover. Some people do not like greed, but in exchange for the reward they have to share.
For example, if they have knowledge, they don't enjoy sharing their knowledge unless someone pays them. It makes sure that good things get much hope . They are still considered to have just not given up. They don't like to do any kind of benefit.
I think they don't have enough. There is their thinking process as follows: If I don't have enough how I have with others I intend to share what I have and others should share what I have with me! It's ’what they think. It is nice to be able to think of excess even if it is not interesting.
Generous individuals share and share a lot. It is a pleasure for them to give. They give and enjoy sharing. They like to share their time, money, knowledge, strength, effort, love and so on.
The key is not to share your resources with those who want to rip you off, but to give what you really need. A share of is one of them. Some people are too generous and lose their shirts. As I say in a separate article, in my opinion it is irresponsible to give strangers what you need for your daily support.
This is an idea. .. A generous person 'sometimes spends some money on friends and family minds. They enjoy giving. They like to bless others. They care about people and they like to see them happy. There are many ways in which there is too much generosity, too much is time consuming and others.
Sponsor a child if you can afford it. People of help whenever I can. Organize the party and invite your friends. Occasionally invite your employees to a pizza and pay for it. Please be kind to people. Freely share some of your knowledge. Every time you give a gift, Don't expect to receive something in return. Donate to a charity.
It's all about attitude. For example, if a homeless comes to you for money, it may be easier for you to give that person some coins than to say no. On the other hand, if you are convinced that person “smears” your money, you are not showing more generosity by refusing to give them all homeless people like this , I am a lot of money cigarettes.
In that case they are generous by giving nothing to them because they contribute to health and well-being. That's why some people say if you give money to the poor, you perpetuate their poverty. It's not always the truth. A good way to show generosity, children We believe in sponsoring and donating to charities. The clean property we received is used as a cultural property. is.
You can be wealthy and generous at the same time. Generosity comes from the heart. It comes from love, blessing others, and their desire to have fun. And, I have not received.
If you are rich and generous, you don't care when others say slander about you. You have peace of mind. You know that to the best of your knowledge you always take the best possible decision. It's easy to do money and other money, and it also helps to poison the beach, such as purchase cracking.
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