Understanding and acquiring successful business is one of the basic principles. The principle can be summed up with two words: repeated business.
Choose a major trade name: Microsoft, Walmart, McDonald. ..
This success is a repeat most of the real customers of the business buy repeat. Certainly, they get new customers as often as possible. However, the majority of their business and profits come from repeated buyers. These businesses depend on t. ..
It's tough. :
Money Online, Marketing, Internet Marketing, Home Business, Making a Work Home
Article body:
Understanding and acquiring successful business is one of the basic principles. The principle can be summed up with two words: repeated business.
Choose a major trade name: Microsoft, Walmart, McDonald. ..
This success is a repeat most of the real customers of the business. Certainly, they get new customers as often as possible. However, the majority of their business and profits come from repeated buyers. It depends on these businesses and is a consistent return to acquiring existing customers.
But the main reason is to speed up business in most business areas. .. They do not take care of existing customers. They don't build a relationship with them and they definitely don't sell to them multiple times.
In any business or online or offline, the cancer is found to be "new" customers as it is more so for existing customers.
Do you want to know what the planet's biggest marketing secret is? This is the biggest secret. It comes up with new marketing ideas, or does not try every new marketing twist you hear about, or new marketing
Secrets are not really secrets these days. ..
Repeat business!
The secret is business and marketing.
One of the most powerful things you can do to build your business and kill the profit is to sell to the same customer over and over again as long as you continue to sell to your existing customers There is nothing wrong with finding a new customer! That's where there is real money.
That is a simple strategy. That's a powerful strategy! And it works very well for me and many other marketers. You can use the "opt in" mailing list that has your own responses.
But .. if you say there is something better ?!
I tell you that you can only sell to your customers once and get benefits every month, many, many years, even the rest of your life!
And if I say that you are not limited to the number of customers you can sell to you? In other words, selling this to 100, 1,000, or 10,000 customers would benefit each month without lifting your finger to do additional work.
Well .... Believe in Believe, Such a Business Exists! And it can be part of it so you can now claim your share of profits!
Now you still need to find your customers. Needless to say, you are probably doing it now. But the beauty of this system. .. it must be done by you
Do everything else. Whether you believe in products, sales, follow-ups, and that, even customer support is taken care of for you!
It leaves a lot of time and energy you spend on doing the above tasks usually. When it comes to this model, if you pay in cash, you will save you more time and energy.
It is the ultimate business model!
The structure of this ultimate business model is simple. It includes services that the product or customer wants and is willing to pay as well as once a month!
That means selling to the customer just once and receiving a monthly salary as long as the person remains with the customer.
And because someone else takes care of products, sales, fulfillment of orders, customer service and repeat sales every month, so they are released from their work so
Unhappy Client: How to Fight Back and Keep Business
It's tough. :
Extranet, Intranet
Article body:
Historically, there has been an inevitable condition of testing agency customer relationships. Today we can minimize tools and eliminate these threats.
As an example, one situation that plagues all relationships is the unexpected spike in project costs.
That old story. Your client will send a bill 30% higher than the quote. Customers go mad. Your response is that the copy has changed 13 times in 2 days. And there was a change in layout. .
No one is happy. Your clients don't really think they made all those changes, and after all, you are being told it's correct for the first time
It is a version of all records and all copies reproduced as it is. It does not happen to be discovered, and has never made any important information, so we will report the traffic system and the conference. Plus, you need to go through the emails of people from multiple agencies to see who told what.
Result is? Please-I'm glad to hear about how much your value is at the expense of your desired sacrifice.
This cycle is repeated every day at any institution.
That's what we think about:
How is the extranet ever rich, so I'm glad to see the announcement
Let's look at this same scenario with an agency that uses an extranet.
Your client will send a bill 30% higher than the quote. Along with the invoice, you will send a copy of all the comments, requests, and approvals made by the client.
Time taken to create the report: 90 seconds.
Quality of evidence: I can not refute.
Net result: get paid, customers realize mistakes, everyone is happy.
This sounds a way too good to be true.
Maybe but not. The client extranet automatically organizes all comment submissions-the client has made it easy to approve the staff, customers and vendors. Not only that, it has a complete record of who saw what, when they saw, and what they did. All the information is in one place and can be made available to anyone anytime.
24 extranet or other user computers are available 24 hours a day. Apply for notification of your project.
The bottom line is that with a complete record of what everyone has done, it can be salvation when they do. You can save time, save money and save your sanity. The most important thing is save. All you need is a client-service offering extranet for all implementations.
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