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This ancient practice has been around since the early 20th century of Japan.

Origin of Reiki

This ancient practice has been around since the early 20th century of Japan. Mika Usui, a medical practitioner, said he was blessed with the ability to heal without depleting his energy. He went to Mount Kurama and meditated for three weeks. He then returned to his village and began to teach others about this healing technique and the symbols that need to be used for each treatment.

Usui Use Initiations is the energy of healing at the access of the fulfilling residents of Reiji-ho. These were later known as attunements. The attunement also gave the students a clear ability to channel Reiki.

Included in Reiki's teachings were five doctrines that give us an easy way to live our lives. The ice was a person who read the work of Emperor Meiji. In the process of developing his Reiki technology, Sui ice borrowed some of the Meiji teachings. These doctrines should be said twice a day in the morning and in the evening. Just for today I don't worry, just not get angry for today, just for today I respect all life, just for today I live honestly

Some students also touched the patient and wanted to know where the trouble was. Ice flounder practiced a technique called scanning. He used scans to find imbalances and closed chakras. He always thought that putting hands was only for beginners.

After treating his village's beggars and homeless a number of times, Usui saw that they did not want to help themselves, no matter how they tried to help them. He came up with the idea of ​​energy exchange between the practitioner and the patient. Usui pays some money for the exchange of Reiki energy in the house.

Open the chakra

If you don't want to go to the Reiki Master to open your chakra and get help, you can try at home some meditations (sometimes they have special hand positions and more to a sick chakra It has the power to send a lot of energy You sound three to four times as you meditate for eight to ten breaths.

To open the root chakra, the tips of your thumb and forefinger need to touch both hands. Concentrate at the root of the spine. Cast a ram sound.

To open the sacral chakra, place your hands on top of each other with their palms up. The left hand should be under the right. The tip of your thumb should be touching. Focus on the sacrum of the back and cast the sound of VAM.

To open the solar plexus chakra, place your hand under your thorax and in front of your stomach. The fingers should be joined at the top and points from you. Cross your thumb and straighten your fingers. Concentrate on the solar plexus chakra and cast a ram sound.

To open the heart chakra you have to cross your legs. The tip of your index finger and thumb should be touched with both hands. Place your left hand on your left knee and your right hand in front of the lowest part of your sternum. Focus on the heart chakra and chant the sound of yams.

To open the throat chakra, cross your fingers in your hands and do not have a thumb. The thumb should pull up a little and touch the top. Focus on the throat chakra and cast the sound of ham.

Place your hand at the bottom of the thorax to open the acupuncture chakra. Touch the top with the middle fngers should be and touch the top towards the thumb point. Focus on the third eye chakra and cast an OM sound.

Place your hand near your stomach to open the crown chakra. The ring finger should point upwards. He crosses his finger with his left thumb under the right one. Focus on the crown chakra while singing the noise of NG.

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