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Tip of Success # 1: Put Your Business Away from the Crowd!

Set your business apart from the crowd! Use humor!

It's tough. :

Humor, ad, logo, small, strong, eskimo, business,

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Today I decided to take a walk to my daughter's school (it's changed a bit since the gas price went up, but it's not unreasonable). I totally enjoy going from a break to a small office all the time --- "Free to change. Too many small businesses were just gone and were signs of that window:" For lease "<br > <br>

Small business owners can start how fragile and easily lose marketing efforts in this sound world. There is a sea of ​​companies, and everyone is fighting for survival. <br> <br>

How can you succeed so? Well ... it's easy-you need to stand out from the crowd! That, of course, is easier said than done. <br> <br>

There is one very clever way I highly recommend: Use humor! Clever humor is always appreciated and will always return to you if you can smile at your customers. <br> <br>

Before you start, ask yourself: <br> <br>

1. What are the main messages I would like to send about my service, product, company? <br>

2. Who is my customer? <br>

3. How can I use humor? <br>

Once you have defined your goals, there are many easy, effective ways to add humor and make you stand out: <br> <br>

   1. Get a cartoon logo: The logo is the very face of your business. You really need to be careful when deciding on logo design (not cheap). Too many places use the same font, the same color, the same earth, and more. What is the final result? Everything looks the same. So set yourself apart-get your custom drawn cartoon logo. Numerous benefits are just a few examples: Check Eskimo di Stillwater, Oklahoma. His owner Stan Clark began with the design of a simple Eskimo and dog cartoon logo created by an amateur designer. Today Eskimo Joe's T-shirt sales topped by Hard Rock Cafe is a multi-million dollar clothing company! Now that's great! <br> <br>

If you want, <a href=""> <b> manga logo </ b> </a>, I strongly recommend http: // www / <br> <br>

   2. Humor Ads: It goes without saying-humor is at least ad, and it sells as much as sex. Just turn on the TV and observe. Is the new Apple ad campaign (Mac vs PC) that you know is probably the most effective? why? Because it is funny and people remember it. But there is much more to advertising. .. There: <br> <br>

<b> Print ads: </ b> <br>


-Flyer <br>

-Yellow pages, etc. <br> <br>

<b> Online marketing: </ b> <br>

-Website <br>

-Viral Marketing <br>

-Email campaign <br> <br>

<b> Street ads: </ b> <br>

-Street banner <br>

-Car cover, etc. <br>

If you want, <a href=""> <b> humorous advertising campaigns </ b> </a>, I strongly recommend http: // <br> <br>

   3. Who said the announcement? Still, the announcement is always thinking and making a joke a cartoon. Humor is an effective way to break the ice and add a taste of trust to the audience. <br> <br>

<a href=""> <b> PowerPoint presentation cartoon </ b> </a> for, I recommend < br> <br>

Of course, there are far more to build a successful small business. But my point is-work hard, work hard and get attention! <br> <br>

Good luck

Subcontracting: Why enter these relationships. ?

Subcontracting helps to meet the needs of your customers. It is entrusted to this start whether it is necessary to handle people's advanced skills or people.

It's tough. :


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First, you need to know what your in-house technicians can handle on their own, and you need to understand how to make up for it. As a small consulting firm, you can not hire someone who has five different certifications and start outsourcing them to them for $ 65,000 or $ 75,000.

Even if you feel that you can afford those speed and keep them busy, that person will disturb the laser printer on the desktop

It is a huge waste of time, a huge blow to ego, and they don't feel as much technical pleasure. So, even if you have such a very senior person, you will probably want to subcontract the work of juniors.

Most computer consultants are the other way around. Some relatively skilled technicians are good at troubleshooting desktops and hardware and connecting PCs to Lan, but outsourcing the server

When you move a lot to IT services, there's a lot of time that clients are asking for something that is beyond the scope of what you normally do. One of the most important things to do is Free non-competitive technology in your area where you can work on a more formal master / subcontract relationship

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