Millions of students from all over the country are now participating in physical activities at school, such as basketball and soccer games, football and cheerleading exercises and physical education classes. What happens if there is a life-threatening cardiac emergency? ? Is the school ready?
It's tough. :
To survive from sudden cardiac arrest
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Millions of students from all over the country are now participating in physical activities at school, such as basketball and soccer games, football and cheerleading exercises and physical education classes. What happens if there is a life-threatening cardiac emergency? ? Is the school ready?
Sudden cardiac arrest usually strikes more than 340,000 Americans each year, including children and teens, without warning. Heart disease tends to go undetected, often manifesting itself during physical activity. In the case of cardiac arrest, the fast response and early use of an automated external defibrillator (AED) is crucial to improving the chances of survival.
According to the American Heart Association, early use of AEDs-20% of portable devices that analyze the heart rhythm and provide an electric shock to re-establish a normal heart rate
"Nearly 95 percent of the victims of cardiac arrest die-usually because defibrillation occurs too late," Dr. Nation for Pittsburgh-based early defibrillation "before the heart returns to normal rhythm Every minute you pass through reduces your chances of survival by 10 percent. Patients who receive cardiopulmonary resuscitation and defibrillator shock have the highest survival rates within minutes of sudden cardiac arrest. "
Unfortunately, many schools are not equipped with Aed.
Therefore, Duracell and Zoll Medical Corp. are working together to inform parents and educators about the importance of preparing for these critical situations.
"With this campaign, we want to work with communities across the country to provide schools with the tools they need to save lives.
Personal Mental Health Profile Online
There is good news for those who feel pressure to know more about hypertension and heart disease.
It's tough. :
Personal Mental Health Profile Online
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There is good news for those who feel pressure to know more about hypertension and heart disease.
It is important to know your risk rate because there are no danger signals or symptoms in the condition. Hypertension management is America's single largest killer coronary heart It is imperative to reduce the incidence of disease.
Fortunately, a free online tool creates an individual's heart health profile so that you know the information and your personal treatment options
A cardiac profiler called a tool-an integrated medical index to ensure that patients understand their condition and all treatment options as they learn about qualifying for an experimental treatment program The tool also connects patients of interest to nearby clinical trials, depending on their needs
Anyone can develop high blood pressure regardless of race, age, gender, but prevent and maintain healthy body weight, physically active, fruits and vegetables, low
About 70 percent of those who have a first heart attack and about 80 percent of those who have a first stroke have a higher blood pressure 140/90 mm A 10 percent reduction in blood pressure levels causes coronary heart disease It may result in an estimated 30% reduction in
"Heart Profiler helps patients assess their risk of heart disease and provides a list of treatment options," said the University of Texas Medical Center Medical Center, and "This allows patient and physician interaction. A major advance in online technology that could change the way it takes a part of the mystery out of surfing the web for health information. "
In addition to high blood pressure, heart-shaped machines also cover cholesterol, atrial fibrillation, heart failure and coronary artery disease. For more information, visit profiler.
The American Central Association also has a detailed site dedicated to high blood pressure
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