Wall hangings can be easily created. Once created, the sized quilts are a wonderful gift and decoration for your home.
You are a wall hanger that has begun to make New York-Time as a part. If there is a need for Lutting, don't worry, you can create group crafts like hangers.
Getting your hand-held rotary cutter so you need to cut 1⁄4 inch allowances for your seams during your quilting project Well, you're the top section of your quilt Have your green, tan, blue, yellow, and peach prints in order to start making
Simply put, I need you to have 21⁄2x191⁄2 inches of upper and lower border with green prints. We need another two green borders with a size of 2x27x27 inches. You need to have a value of 36 for your D square and a size in 1 x 1 x inch. The tongue has a-strip, B-piece, C-strip, D-E square, and F-strip ie six parts. Blue has only one part, yellow is three and peach is one. Yellow is the C-strip, D-square and the last four values are the cornerstone. C value recognized, measures 1 1⁄2 x 1 1⁄2 inches, D value 12 or measures 2 x 2 inches; F peach strip, peach, value and its gauge is 1 1⁄2 x 3 1⁄2 inches. The peach has four and a measure value G strip at 2 x 5 x inch. The rust print contains a value of six, which makes sashing # 1 vertical on a scale of 11⁄2 × 131⁄2 inches. The second sashing makes three measures to 11⁄2 × 211⁄2 inches, while the last H strips four measures at 11⁄2 × 71⁄2 inches.
You need to cut these parts of your quilt. Use the guides above to achieve an accurate cut. You can now crown your quilt. First, create rows and blocks. Use your block, line and start stitching your D-blue square to connect to the A-Tan narrow part. (Strip)
Proceed to the next color placement to complete the second block. Create a couple of narrow pieces for each color arrangement, using D-yellow squares in the second block.
One accepted cylinder I Tsu tight light Tsu Dzu I Tsu niece "cylinder" Tsu bonds Tsu Dzu Interview Tsu one ass one Yutsutsu Seth one Reality "Tsu. Use tan B, blue Cs As a couple, yellow C and yellow / blue have a gateway through the array of colors in the second block, you want to create a double narrow.
The third line creates a couple more lines and places the colors according to the block. The fourth line creates another two lines, as you have nine patterns in the color arrangement. Alternately, add stitches to the block (2) and make your center by creating # 2. It is a commodity now. Use the iron, rather, push it as it moves without ironing.
You are ready for the border. Starting from the # 2 border, stitch the narrow part as it moves from left to right and then to the side with your quilt right stitching to the middle. Sew the yellow print squares and add 21⁄2 x 21⁄2 inches. Stitch along the short end that ties it to your double border. Move along the top and bottom along the edge (strip # 1), stitch the narrow area and stitch along the center. You are now ready to complete the project.
Assemble your cunning quilt crown
How to assemble your crown
You've created flowers, baskets, handles, etc, so it's time to assemble your wicked quilt. Let's get started
How to assemble:
You are assembling your quilt crown at this point. Leave this job for those who are in the crown if you have not started your craft project to create a spring basket. To collect your crown, sew your flowers on a cloth, using its corresponding thread, as well as two of your foliages, bub your fabric across your fabric Sew also on the center flowers and stitches along the route for the wrong side of the (left) side. Stitch to the right and finish the final block. (3)
In the lower area of your basket, attach your flowers to join with the handle. Now, cut out your lighter shade of filament / fiber, and the shade of pink (6) silkworm fiber (floss), and respond to the measurement of your arm to correspond longitudinally with the fiber in each section of the longitudinal fiber (3 I want to create). It splits to form a circle and uses a needle and thread (big eye needle) along with your three filament and stitch lengths. I made a great knot and the French version of the review is helpful and I have created a center flower and a dark flower.
Again, trim your darker shade of six pink, filament and silkworm fibers that cut it along the length to be equal to the span of your arm, producing three filaments of each section of your fiber . Stitch partition and length three thread, use hand-used needles and filaments. Stitch until it forms a loop. Starting with a green tint, cut a narrow sash piece and cut it into 11⁄2 x 101⁄2 inches. I'm making your D block. Cut another three narrows until you achieve the part measured at 11⁄2 x 28 inches. Use these parts to make your E-block. Also cut out your D block, cut three out of your pattern and form 4-D narrow pieces. You want your ducks to be continuous. At this point form a line and use 2 blocks just to start stitching the blocks that form the narrow part of 3-E (ie ... blocks). This is the middle area of your coverlet, or quilt. Using a variety of floral prints, snip the inner border of the narrow part. Cut at least two narrows at 1 x 231⁄2 inches. Create an F border on the side using parts. Well, cut another x x 291⁄2 inch narrow part to create a G border in the lower and upper area of your quilt.
Then sew a border in the middle of your coverlet. Continue sewing the drop and the big border. Start with your flower area with iron, ie print textile press. Do not use irons, do you press gently? Lift; Rearrangement etc.
This time, you are ready to produce your bond for your quilt. Use your floral material and sew the big, drop, and sides of your border. Fill it with the heart of your quilt pattern now.
Now that you have a great job, it is time to finish your job. The lining used is batting, crown coverlet, coat. To prepare your coverlet, stick to a layer, hand-sewn or machine-sewing your quilt. Use your machine in the crown to sew the untreated edge. Because extra batting cuts. Do the same for the back cloth. The present bond and approximately dumplings form a yellow ribbon. ● Cut the six even parts. The ribbon molding formed by the line by the finish, further version up to handle each side between each other hand by hand.
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