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Understand the basics of humanity to fully understand


Understand the basics of humanity to fully understand the rules that govern how much information you can include in your presentation slides

Unfortunately, most of the presentation visuals we see are designed with the false belief that the audience actually walks them and waits for the presenter. .

When the technology of communication was slow, we took. ..

It's tough. :

Generally speaking, conference presentation, presentation ability, presentation design

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Understand the basics of humanity to fully understand the rules that govern how much information you can include in your presentation slides

Unfortunately, most of the presentation visuals we see are designed with the false belief that the audience actually walks them and waits for the presenter. .

I was convinced that the technology was so slow, but it seems that historical approach news-news. We were used to waiting for the news and there was time for the news: did you see the morning newspaper? Did you hear the evening news?

But with the progress of electronic, we have come to think of more news in terms of what is happening at the moment. There is also a movie feed, but also a video feed. The screen eclipsed the paper as a preferred venue for the latest acquisition. Newspaper folded, afternoon edition of the paperback icon Americana-thought Herald-Tribune. Instead, being the first source of world news, to survive the newspaper, became more feature-oriented-only less fresh and less immediate content

The Cable News Network took a huge bet that people around the world would watch the 24th day of news-not the timetables of the people, but the provider's new news on demand. Fulfillment for those who want to be "the first to know". "

Do you design a presentation with Kazuno? Curiosity – You don't have to be a news addict to share the basic characteristics of humans and other intelligent animals. Curiosity is the basis for survival and has evolved as a creature that needs to learn what we can do quickly. Thus, the same desire that humans need to know first is transformed into all events that involve the acquisition of new information. During the presentation, members of the audience want the same control, and basically, the presenters wait for you to help the first thing they know

Audience members usually pay their attention to the submitter once their interest in the slides has been met.

But when a new slide is first shown on the screen, all eyes like firewood on the flame, tune to a new image, and soon the slide is all about them not their fault! They are human!

Lend their attention again to what they are saying only when every member of the audience is completely convinced that they know exactly what the slide means.

And until this point, you may not be realistically there. Oh, indeed, you can act like most and describe the elements of the slide, but for all purposes and purposes, it has you taking off the pants you can leave the room it can. It's an off color joke. However, you are paying about 0% attention until the spectators have determined exactly what all the data and word tracks on the screen mean.

This is the beginning of the disaster for most of the slides we see in today's business presentations. A typical slide to view contains information that a typical audience member just needs more than 30 seconds to read the material, but it absorbs it, but first, where the viewer starts from The reading process is delayed in an attempt to determine if the information is most important. A clue to the relative value of the information is often mistaken, however, as the audience is basing them on things like the type of screen or the size of the arrangement.

For this reason, you will take the average person to discover all the information that it has for your slide, absorb a lot of time and see them To assimilate information, you need to lose your audience more chances that the average person takes

So can you say that this is also a very important aspect? Of course, there is only one real viable solution, which is the amount of information released with each click of your mouse, by all possible means

As soon as you take the audience less time to identify new information they will return to you and begin to hear what the "tell" of the slide really means.


Microsoft doesn't know much about heckuva about presentation design, but one thing they do correctly with PowerPoint is trying to make with your data that different graph types available Powerpoint is more than 2000 In the style, low-resolution world computer announced. With a few exceptions, here is how to use the following types: . ..

It's tough. :

Generally speaking, conference presentation, presentation ability, presentation design

Article body:

Microsoft doesn't know much about heckuva about presentation design, but one thing they do correctly with PowerPoint is trying to make with your data that different graph types available Powerpoint is more than 2000 In the style, low-resolution world computer announced. With some exceptions, the way to use the following types is:

* Pie chart for sharing
* Bar graph for comparison amount
* Trend, line graph for time

pie chart

Pie charts (generally wrong pie charts) are mostly very easy and good looking, so the type of chart is over-used and misused. It is chosen at the time of the illegal use and it is more than the displayed amount. The beauty of pie charts is to show clearly how much each element contributes. In most cases, the actual amount-the percentage in this case-is actually secondary to the slice area in that it conveys the story.

The pie chart is a slice of such unique Japan and controls the group that grasps the brain quickly. We often see pie charts with five or more elements, but understanding in short order becomes more difficult. In most cases, you may want to include all player details in the story, or group non-essential contributor groups as "Other".

If you want to show how much each element contributes, use a bar chart.

bar graph

Use a bar chart to display the relative sizes and actual amounts of the different segments. The bar graph is designed to display the volume on the y-axis which clearly indicates the unit of measurement. By placing a series of bars next to each other, you can see how each element is compared to the other elements, and how the absolute quantities that the elements represent become.

Bar charts have bars that stack various bars, such as stacked bar charts, to form a series, or variations such as 100% bar charts. In a presentation environment, it is best to avoid difficult options.

Line graph

Line graphs have the unique advantage of speaking to the inherent right brain bias regarding information. That is, usually when the heart of the West sees a graph without labels, it automatically assigns "volume" to the y-axis, "above" means "more", a timeline is assigned to the x-axis, and left Just as we read from left to right, a rightward move potentially means a positive move.
You will want to use a line chart to show the progress of the quantity from one point in time to another. The elevation of a line at any point represents the amount of data being tracked at that time. The audience first wants to know and automatically makes assumptions about the type of value that the x and y axes represent. Don't disappoint them

Data label

Graphs are a great way to easily understand complex information. However, graphs are only optimal if you want to integrate words, numbers and images properly. Whenever possible, instead of relying on the ever-popular clarity killer, legend, we label the elements of the graph directly to the elements themselves. The legend identifies each data point, such as identifying a listener for overuse. Other labels that can be labeled, clutter, etc., can be a good graph with a "picture book without pictures".

Also, in the presentation of several graphs, there is an indication by the audience to overloading the dumping data that was not at all. In fact, in many cases, you're likely to forget them by the end of the presentation, without putting a strain on their mind with numbers, but it's also that we're your main slide deck What you're calling a "reference slide" that does not contain all the data attached at the end Install hyperlinks to these slides from those of your main show to really impress your crowd , Some vice presidents will never ask again

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