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Use the word "freedom" in your ADS

1. The word "freedom" is still the most powerful.

Words used in today's ads! If you have something to offer

It can be used free of charge for powerful words. It pulls out the instruction

Better than other words! There are several ways to use it:

2. Tsutsutsu Tsutsutsutsu. This is how to get

The person to order from you! The second one is free

The first purchase!

3. Buy 2-Get 3rd for FREE! this is,

"Tatsutsu Tsutsutsu Tsutsutsutsutsutsutsutsutsutsutsutsutsutsutsutsutsutsutsutsutsutsutsu"

4. Buy 3rd FREE! Tire stores and publishers

You are free for 4 days.

5. Free "trial size"! Always give small things,

I want you to want to make people like you


6. Free Bed Frame, King Set Purchase! Lots of mattresses

Stores use this type of ad!

Purchase and Free!

7. Free entry class! This is usually provided by purchase

Computer; microwave oven; etc. (Free club members,

Such! )

8. Use it free for 30 days! Allow people to use something.

Release your product or service for a limited time!

Order them! )

9. Free service for each purchase! This is often used with pizza

Company and cleaning service. Free delivery; free folding;

like that

10. Free interest for 3 months! Many loan companies and others

Provide this to tempt customers to buy from them!

Something for the time!

11 fast services, or it's free! It's hot, or it's free! (7-11

Provide hot coffee). Denny's "10 minutes, or it's free!"

Customers come to see!

12 second topping is free for buying big pizza! about it

Say it all! (Free extra, free color, free ink, free extra

Charge the printer! !)

13 "This is used by many advertisers to sell

Products by email! Please let us know that we will send you information for free,

Just write and ask!

14 buy 2 ads, get 3rd (or 4th) free! This is another way

They get free ads, all three or four

They buy.

15 free mission round! Many major sources

Provide free circulars (part of the shipping cost) to get the dealer!

Free dealer information! !

Buy 16 ads and free typesetting! Publisher offers this

Free service to get new advertisers! Review deleted,

Is it free? )

17 years old free catalog! Free shipping catalog for many companies

More sales results! (Free feather line

Recruitment! )

18 free sample copies! The company is willing to send

One freedom to seduce you to buy more later! (Free cassette; free

Introductory video etc! )

Free Report entitled "Seven Different Ways to Sell the Same

Product! From: Chris, 1412 meters. Shasta

Doctor, San Jose CA 95127

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