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We are afraid to sell ..... and how you overcome it "(Part II)

In this article, we look at how you can cope with your fear of head on sale, you face your anxiety and have a life

It's tough. :

Work at home, home business, sell

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In the first article, we have seen (and experienced) how many first time (and experienced!) Sellers can come out there and hold on to success from the success they may have with sales. .

In the previous article I emphasized the six major selling related fears: failure; image or self confidence; rejection; lack of product knowledge; criticism; Breakdown of each article according to its own cause can be a relief because it prevents the sales process.

In this article I see how I can lead and address these fears; I can do to face your fears and expel them for life

Fear of failure

The sale of most people, undoubtedly the greatest fear, and the business is the fear of failure. There is nothing more demoralising than the constant lack of success! The fear of failure has become ingrained from school-remember all those tests when the results are read for all classes to be heard? If I had a bad result, I never felt like trying again! But when he tried to consolate his son Bart who had failed his bid to become the president of class Homer Simpson's Don't

"You failed to try. The lesson is ... never try."

So what can you do to overcome the fear of failure? The point is that it requires rock solidity. You must constantly press on the next prospect and have an inner voice saying, "Come on, let's find someone who is willing to say!"

Failure must be seen as an opportunity for learning. With every failure, next time there is a nugget of information that can point you in the direction of better success. James-Dyson, inventor of the revolutionary vacuum cleaner, summarized the need for a positive attitude when he said, "Success consists of 99% failures. Stimulate yourself. Keep going as a complete optimist. "

Fear of image

No one has unlimited confidence. When you start with a business, there are suspicions that you may be biting more than you can bite. This internal suspicion is lacking in your self-confidence, and will eventually have a bad self image that reflects over your sales outlet. To be a successful salesperson who must have a strong self image.

Perform the following steps to improve your image:

Write the quality that you believe you should own a successful salesperson. Try and limit the list to 4 or 5 key qualities

Find a quiet place and relax your body and mind with deep and steady breathing

You are completely relaxed and recite the previously identified powerful, self-image quality

Imagine or visualize yourself owning each of these qualities. Look at your eyes as you have these qualities. How is it a success? However, driving by car is a way of life

Repeating this operation, assuming that you are your own-Make each person a better person for the daily progress

Repeat the first thing of this practice in the morning and your last thing will find your self image and confidence levels to increase over time!

Fear of rejection

Closely linked to the fear of failure is the fear of rejection. Hearing the answer "No" is not a great motive! The main way to deal with rejection is to accept what happens. Try rebuilding the rejection you get by saying that you are the customer losing to yourself, not. Walk with your smile on your face and remind yourself that it is a step closer to someone who says "Yes".

Fear of product knowledge

Lack of deep knowledge does not make your product or service enter quickly. There is only one solution ... that is to get learning! Absorb yourself in the product. You can understand all the features and benefits and speak confidently about all aspects of your offer. It is one of the easy things to put the right to banish this fear.


Especially if you try your hardest no one likes to be criticized. If you don't peel a very thick skin, you can hit a rough critique. If you do exercises to improve your self-image, you will also improve your ability to receive criticism. We will see the critique as more feedback than your direct attack. There are usually a few elements of truth in the majority of the important comments, and it is important that you take the opportunity to learn and change.

Fear of presentation

You can know all the features and benefits of your product, but like an actor, you suffer from stage fear! Write a basic outline of how you want the perfect sales pitch to go. Prepare scripts for the main part of the presentation, rehearsals, rehearsals rehearsals!

Represents a role as a habit. This gives you the opportunity to make every mistake you want, but in a risk-free environment! You also have the sales force running courses you visit and see what Local Business Link Company does. Look at the effective sale of books and tapes. All these actions help in improving your confidence and result in professional sales presentations.

Sales need not be a horrible experience! If you have the right attitude, strong self conviction, a thorough understanding of your product and plenty of practice, you have nothing to fear. So, take a look at each of these fears and put plans in place today to tackle them!


Stop Foreclosure Selling Your Home With Our Support

It's tough. :

Stop foreclosure, foreclosure help, foreclosure support, avoid foreclosure

Article body:

We resisted many homeowners facing saving their homes to avoid foreclosures. And then I was able to talk about pressure. The call of the name is not a solution (only as for the chart problem, you feel your anger. We now know that it is not time to neglect by the lender.

The reason we know is that it worked for the lender who now issued a foreclosure notice. It is also home to foreclosures to avoid setting programs that were committed to making lenders worthwhile. A few months ago how to look badly in the face of foreclosures We offer the help of foreclosures and create a mitigation company that will fight for their rights being revealed to homeowners in foreclosures There is not a lot of information, and all lenders, if they have different life changing events, will be home

Tsutsutsu Tsuitsu. :

Mortgage changes:

Loan changes generally involve a reduction in the loan's interest rate, an extension of the loan's term length, a different type of loan or any combination of three. Loan changes are also a great solution for borrowers who want to stay in their property, but can not afford to pay to adjust upwards, or loan modifications can also be done to save from foreclosure . From this point on, loan change applications usually have a low interest rate in this regard as there is no interest for the outcome, as there are not many lenders. There are many reasons, so you can not change the loan. Mortgage is the same as loan modification Loan modification changes your existing mortgage loan and gives you a new new start of managing your home Loan modification is probably to your home Even being upside down is the best way to save your home, and you are paying for your mortgage payment

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