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What do you do when the volcano erupts tomorrow?

Volcanic eruption is one of the powerful disasters that nature can bring. Volcanic eruptions are devastating enough that it can wipe out several towns in a few hours. They can also cause temporary changes in the Earth's climate.

Volcanologists are scientists who study volcanoes. They predict the severity as well as the possibility of volcanic eruptions. However, volcanologists can not always predict exactly when and where the next volcanic eruption will occur. Therefore, it is important to know the basics of how to prepare for an emergency volcanic eruption.

1. First, you should at least be familiar with the terminology associated with volcanic eruptions. These are very useful for understanding the news about volcanic eruptions.

Volcanic ash erupts into the air and refers to large pieces of small dust and rocks that are carried down with the volcanic gas. These volcanic ash can corrode metals, break down dough, clog the machine, block water intake, drain drainage and, of course, kill plants.

Pyroclastic flow is a flow of molten volcanic rock. It flows at the speed of hurricane, but because it is high it destroys temperature, speed and everything.

2. Coordinate with your local emergency team to check any area of ​​your area prone to pyroclastic flow or volcanic ash.

3. If the volcano is starting to show signs of eruption, do not go near it. As mentioned above, volcanologists have not been able to accurately predict the time when a volcano may erupt. It may be killed immediately by a sudden eruption.

4. Evacuate what is needed to advise the local government instead. What to do? The areas below, especially those places, are downwinded. Although tall infrastructure such as tall buildings can provide protection from volcanic ash, these are not enough shelters for stone debris and lava flows.

5. Cross the bridge as much as possible due to mudslide hazards. If you need to cross the bridge, look upstream first to make sure the mud is not approaching. Please be careful, as it may move faster than mudflows.

6. If the volcano starts to release ash, do not let the ash go out until it settles down. Also, avoid opening the windows and doors of the house.

7. As soon as the air is cleared, remove any ash that may have settled on your gutter or roof. Volcanic ashes can be disastrous if they are thickly accumulated on your roof. In addition, they can cause severe respiratory disease, especially in infants and the elderly with lung problems.

8. Avoid areas that are already heavily dusted if you need to drive. Maintain speed more than 30 miles per hour.

9. Of course, we need to prepare enough food and water to last for several days. You will also need spare batteries and a dust mask. You can use extra clothes to cover a thin cloth to breathe with your head.

The volcanic eruption of time is always prepared at any time and I am glad to be helpful to anywhere. Arm yourself with enough knowledge to mitigate the great impact that a volcanic eruption has. Always listen to and overcome the safety of radio updates and advice.

After the volcano erupts, preparation for the volcanic eruption does not stop. Once the disaster is over, there are a lot of cleanup operations that you need. Recovery from a volcanic eruption takes a long time. Cooperation within the community is required.

Don't be blown away by the typhoon

Wherever you live in the world, you may sometimes encounter some typhoons. Of course, there are certain places that are prone to typhoons. Not only agricultural products and infrastructure, but also human beings, there are typhoons that can be fatal and cause serious damage.

If a meteorologist predicts that a strong typhoon will come, it is not enough for us to just sit at home and watch TV. If the typhoon is strong, you won't even be able to watch TV due to a power outage. Typhoon is one of the ways that nature exerts its power, and we should take precautionary measures to avoid adverse events during the typhoon.

Different types of typhoons may bring different types of danger in different places, but there is a basic emergency preparation that you can do. To ensure your safety, please be familiar with the types of typhoons that hit your area and the area you are visiting, and the safety rules and regulations of your local government.

When the weather service broadcasts nationwide that there is a possibility that the typhoon may hit your area, we will start preparing for the urgent typhoon immediately. Here are some things that can be done before the typhoon arrives.

1. Fix any broken doors or windows. Make sure there is nothing blocking the entrance. You can potentially shatter by road signs, tree branches and other things, and tape your large glass window.

2. If the place you live in is constantly plagued by floods and large typhoons are expected, move to a shelter in a high place, even before the water level reaches a high meter. Also park the car on a hill need to do it. Be careful not to hit, etc. The powerful flood that you can do in your garage will cause a big disaster.

3. When the typhoon or convenience store is closed, store enough food and water for several days, as it is not wise to look around. Power and water connections may also stop so you may prepare many candles, batteries, raincoats and thick blankets to keep you warm as well.

4. All items fixed garden and balcony. If any of those items can possibly be blown away by strong winds, store them better throughout the interval. Also, remove the rooftop structural fittings, as these can be removed and may break windows to people.

5. There are many water problems that cause clogging drainage systems that avoid clean in all water drainage.

6. Listen to the news about the typhoon. If the power is down, you are still updated on what is happening, so make sure that you have a battery-powered radio and listen to the news and expect the typhoon to stop Keep notifications when it is done.

Don't go home unless you are sure that the typhoon does not come back, even if it looks like you're already out. You may have experienced the eyes of a typhoon just in your area. When the eyes of the typhoon pass, there is no rain or strong wind.

Remember to fix anything damaged after the typhoon. Make sure that the water has not leaked into your home. There are still many accidents that can occur because they are not sufficiently affected by the typhoon.

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