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What is the worst small business funding strategy?

If you are a small business owner or consider being one, you are cashed out by poor business funding strategies

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Business finance strategy

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What is the worst small business funding strategy?

Depending on the statistics you pay attention to, about 80% of small businesses fail during the first five years.

In many cases, a particular business was not able to succeed, but not enough time to understand how to succeed.

This brings us to the worst SME funding strategy ever.

Here's how it works.

Entrepreneurs will be developing what they believe is a fire business plan that they can not fail.

Unable to find any form of launching capital, starting as the only source of funding for their business credit card, and sustainable business

If all goes well, the debt will be retired within the year and funds will start building up in the bank account.

Right, right?

When I try to persuade you to use your credit card, because some of them are soooooooo good even with the opportunity and can not miss

The problem is that every business can.

One by one

And most fail.

Have you ever talked to someone who runs a successful small business; maybe 10 to 20 years?

Rarely, learning in the period until starting these entrepreneurs as below is shocked.

Today even with some of the most successful SMEs there were some hairy moments that let it go early.

And the early years where some time was difficult lasted for several years.

The point here is simply this.

The process of getting a business operating and successful, thorough how you can take many unexpected twists and turns regardless of diligence

Therefore, to increase your probability for success, you need to enable unknown, unplanned, and unfair.

Unforeseen things can not be accommodated, business financing strategies are not a lot of strategies.

A business lending strategy based on a high interest credit card that can destroy both your cash flow and your personal credit is a lot of strategy

To improve your odds of SME success, here are some tips for developing a solid business funding strategy.

>>> Invest your own cash

If your business's financing strategy has some of your own cash pencil, it is your possibility of quickly getting some sort

The more "skin" the more credit you are interested in, if you have in the game, is in the approval of your loan request.

Talk about the psychological incentives of losing your own money and the motivation you create to work harder to maintain it

>>> Create your cash flow contingencies

Whatever you estimate your working capital requirements, double it. Increase it by a factor of at least one.

Things can and won't work, so develop a business financing strategy that gives you a chance of fighting and allows for a more complete result.

>>> Use credit card thoughtfully

When used properly, you are free to use it as the cheapest form of working capital for your credit card.

Provide 40 days of providing some business credit cards with no interest. If you pay off the entire balance each month, you have a very low cost of working capital funding.

However, if you start carrying large balances without paying them each month, you will be one of the most expensive from the cheapest source of working capital

>>> Send timely government remittances

Small businesses are the default tax collectors. Funding up to the wind with the tax collected was a long time spent doing business.

Using government remittances as a business funding strategy is basically a bad idea.

The government agencies assigned to collect from you have ten to create a lot of sadness for you if you are too late to pay

If you apply for a business loan, your loan request will probably be denied while you have an arrears balance with a government tax agency.

You can be a lender so that the history of arrears of government remittance can brand you as a bad credit risk even after the balance is paid

>>> watch spending closely at startup

Because you can control one thing, you can spend how long early.

This is going to change in time, but if you can spend it wisely at the beginning, you might be able to avoid the cost-cutting movement further down the line

It is smart spending you can make money so it will be true correctly.

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