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What you need to know about the left colic flexion

Due to the complex organization, more and more people are always attracted to the human body. This attraction is the main reason why people immerse themselves to learn more about the human body, its parts and its seemingly endless mysteries and concepts of possibilities.

One of the areas where people conduct extensive research is the anatomy of the human body used for medical purposes. Over the years, thousands of millions of studies, experiments, and research have found solutions to these medical problems, discovering the causes of new diseases and various diseases

Pain in the left colic and large intestine

Many people do not know that there are some parts of the body that can cause other illnesses. One of them is the distortion of left colic. Defined as flexion at the junction of the transverse and descending colons, left colonic flexion is also known as "spleen flexion". "

Experts say that basically there are two sore flexions in the transverse colon: right pain flexion-adjacent to the liver-and left pain sore-even near the human spleen , Also referred to as "flexura liealis", refers to the junction of the lateral and descending parts of the colon of a person, located in front of the left kidney and inferior to the spleen.

The left colic deflection, located in the large intestine, is a minor detail but can be very complicated once it is not given proper attention.

More and more health care professionals are paying attention to the large intestine today as it can be the place where many other diseases develop. The large intestine that extends from the Ileocecal joint to the human anus-is usually 1.5m long. Medical experts say that the large intestine can be identified by a band of longitudinal muscle fibers known as "E. coli", about 5 mm wide on its surface

Basically, there are three visible bands at the start of the appendix base, extending from the cecum to the rectum. Along its sides, there is a fat-filled peritoneal tag known as "epiploic appendage" as well as "sacculations known as haustra." These basic features are: It is only part of the ability to set up the colon separately from the rest of the human intestinal tract.

Basically, the large intestine consists of cecum, ascending colon, transverse colon, descending colon, s-shaped colon, rectum, anal canal and anus. Although not the most important part of the large intestine, the most functional is the cecum. The cecum is about 6 cm long and is said to be a cecum, but it is in the right iliac fossa of a person.

This is basically a part of the colon placed under the start of the ileum to the colon. One can find it right behind the abdominal wall and the omentum. Here, the peritoneal depression is frequently present. If so, a receding depression appears behind the cecum, hiding the appendix.

If you look closely, you can see that the appendix of the appendix, which is open in the cecum about 2 cm below the opening of the idiopathic part, is hanging down. Once the cecum is open, you can identify it once and find the ileal opening in the cecum. This opening is usually surrounded by thickened muscles that form the iliac flap.

The pain in the left colic or spleenic flexion does not play the same role as cecum, but it is a vital part of the digestive system that needs attention.

Facts about intestinal colic

Baby's Colic can be something just as part of the development process and a demotional difficulty in parenting; but on a horse, that's another thing. Horse pain is an emergency. In fact, this is one of the worst nightmares of horse lovers and horse owners. This is because, despite treatment, most horses do not get better and some people do not respond particularly well to treatment.

Ejaculation is a term used to refer to abdominal pain resulting from digestive tract and system problems. In most cases, colic is caused by interference and impactions in organs such as the liver, intestines, bladder, uterus, ovaries and kidneys. Ejaculation can also be associated with stimulation of nerve endings in the intestinal wall.

The other source of pain is the distentions of intestinal movement. It may also be the result of inflammation, impulses and convulsions in some parts of the body. It may also result from rectal problems brought about by the treatment of the donkey, the treatment of the rectum, and also the neurological disease trauma. Strangulations cause lipoma and intestinal cramps.

The gastrointestinal tract consists of a series of parts added to one long tube. The esophagus itself, where food starts to fall, is three feet long. This is then emptied into the stomach and the small intestine, which is 72 feet long. This may seem quite long when imagining it inside the horse's body; it doesn't stretch straight, but it's likely to be a pile of twists and turns and this is probably very common in horses with intestinal problems That's why. Unlike humans, they have narrower tubes that make horses more likely to develop interference and proliferation in these areas.

And because they have no way to get rid of the abdomen like stomach pressure and vomiting, pain tends to build up, because the pain is due to them to endure small bowel problems in the southeastern part of the country than in other areas It tends to be more general. Often, this is the result of feeding horses with the most common bermuda grass hay in their part.

Some affected people will respond. Conservative treatment as treatment. Other cases where the case is more severe may require surgical intervention to treat the problem. The task for doctors is to know the difference between those who need intervention and those who need surgery.

In many cases, the obstacles can not be removed without the help of the surgeon, but in the case of severe cases you need to undergo surgery. Examples of these cases are those with displacement or torsions in different parts of the intestine and those with small incarserations in the intestine.

Below are some signs that surgery is already necessary to treat colic in the bowel: severe pain in the abdominal area, normally not seen, painful episodes despite medical therapy

Surgery performed to treat bowel pain may be complicated or uncomplicated, depending on the severity of the problem and how the body responds to other therapeutic measures, for example, sufficient blood supply to the intestine If so, the problem can be corrected without going through a complicated process. Others, remove segments and test.

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