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When extruding people to make a way for CNC

The mind of a normal businessman is always linked to profit, profit, profit. No matter how much the company spends, at the end of the day, the income should not exceed the (tax included) expenses. Although innovation is a major condition for business growth, many small businesses comfort just and lie. They think they have a stable market as long as they have won, it's fine.

This can be used as the time to dance with the business person has not been seen so much. However, for companies that are aggressive to move forward, acquiring CNC machines seems to be above the priority list.

CNC stands for computer numerical control. CNC machines are composed of machine tools that can read specific sets of instructions (in G code) and repeatedly "indicate" specific manufacturing tasks. Metal and wood industry.

If you are a regular member of a professional forum for entrepreneurs, CNC can be praised for its performance. Most businessmen are also impressive and save, a lot of money and time, just deciding on this adopted CNC technology and its production method. Logical levels and emotional levels: If you are still considering CNC at the expense of your employee's employment, it is you CNC at two levels

Logic Wise

CNC machines perform specific instructions. They never assume anything and do not defy the programs loaded on them. Imagine the safety of knowing that you "reap" exactly what you "reap". Let's say something is wrong in the process. Assuming that the machine is in perfect condition, you can not be held responsible, as you just did what you said to do.

Second, there is a blanket of consistency. It provides a level of security and makes head supervisors easy. If you are overseeing the operation today, most likely it will be exactly the same tomorrow. The sense of knowing what to expect is always a good thing, especially when there is money involved.

Finally, there is speed. CNC machines do not stop thinking. After thinking, they do the power work they need to do. It's easy. There is a pocket with minimized setup time and back work time.

If you find a defect about CNC, it is logically that the CNC machine can not think of a better way to perform the task The CNC machine is totally a machine; when it is sold to you Salesmen never said the word "creative" or "innovative". I can not miss the reason I did not go.

Emotional Wise

CNC machines are also a company asset. When such an asset is purchased, there is little or no emotional investment associated with it. You don't even train it! It is expected to perform specific tasks, and it saves a lot of time from explanations, demos and reminders.

Also, when a CNC machine is performing its task, it is invalid for any emotion. So, no matter how hot the weather is or how noisy the office is, the CNC machine will work the same way as any other day. It is very different compared to people who are prone to space when doing mechanical and boring work.

There were sentences that I could not do even if I wanted to use this CNC. It is really useful. You need to be careful now is your electricity bill. Be careful, when you get a CNC machine, it may betray you in the form of lofty bills. It is released that all emotions can be saved.

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