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Whether to write classified ads

Write from every detail on your advertisement offer. Read it and edit it,

Rewriting is an effective ad that saves money quickly.

"I think small".

Everything is delicious.

These ideas.

    Attention interest desire action

Use the name with each classified ad including your envelope.

Do not satisfy for sales letters or circulars.

Be honest with all your classified ad requirements.

Identify your product.

Write your classified ads simple and clear directly.

Everybody knows how to use words, Mika

You are saying

Use words that will benefit the reader.

Don't overpriced your product.

Advertise often. Constant exposure creates a close friend

Providing a better response.

Provide your classified advertising money back guarantee,

Salesletter or circular if possible. Excellent sales


Test your ad in two or three smaller and cheaper publications.

Record the results. Code each ad.

Read publications related to your product. Write for advertising

Rate, paid circulation, discount and closing date. keep

It is a record

Are you ready to mail all your literature and products

Your ad appears in the publication of your choice. Do not delay

In response.

Use the imitation method. What other successful advertisers

Is doing. Only with a slight twist, ideas and offers.

Run multiple ADSs represented differently. Keep a record of the results.

Do not advertise it over. It can be expensive. if you want to,


It is an answer to all Because it is not so

Take the time to find out what you need to know.

Don't trust your memory. Thoughts will leave you soon

Come on Always write a good idea. now!

Do not put your ad in the wrong classification.

In addition, the word Amuse is

A word used to persuade, inform and sell your product.

Use a short business name. Make pronunciation easy


Do not forget the stimulus of M.E.D.I.C.S. It's an enthusiasm It's a desire

image. Creativity. success!

Don't give up If your ad does not pull after fair exposure,

Please rewrite it. There are one or two different words.

Don't use your profit. Reinvest more continuous money


Don't forget that the ad serving "free details" means writing a

Sales letter or circle.

Avoid expensive typesetting costs and mistakes

Get your price list, brochure, catalog or newsletter

Typeset does not have to be an expensive procedure.

Keep in mind that the main cost of typesetting is time

Involved in setting type. By minimizing the time required for

Create a typed part where you can effectively fix your expenses.

The following suggestions will help reduce typography


Know what you want first. I have a photo

Your heart. Trial and error can be expensive. Yes.

The type setter sets it in one way and determines another format

Looks good

Thorough calibration reduces and eliminates author corrections

And re-reinforcement.

If you do not have to do the work that combines the minimum charge to avoid

Set at the same time.

Try using one family of type to save time and money

Change of font. A consistent look is better.

Explicitly instructed markup copy type style,

Column width / margins.

Request a larger job such as a brochure or annual report

Styling proof sheet for approval before the whole job


Especially if you don't really need them

Avoid long corrections on the phone. you are

If it ends without being able to take after correction

Editing of the proof sheet is complete.

Complete and approve the layout before setting the type. ..

Of course, the same can be said for copying.

Avoid using "Run-aounds" (make the copy smaller

For example, to make room for photos in a row). If you do not

Use them and use simple shapes, boxes and squares.

Avoid using curved or angle types. Type to read left

Right page (for example, this report

It is more expensive to set than a curve or a copy set on the fly

Next to the page.

Use of inappropriate text and captions is cheaper

The correct setup is quick and costing.

Don't rely on typesetting to read your mind. Specifically.

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