Be careful how cold it is, including the factors of wind chill. Kennels are good to have, but they can not protect them from frostbite of their extremities. Bring your pet from the cold. The tiles are cold, so put a warm blanket on them. A local pet store for algae dogs that can be purchased
Another misconception is that snow is a substitute for freshwater. Make sure your pet is always available to drink fresh water, regardless of weather conditions.
While fur can provide a measure of warmth for your pet, long fur can also pick up chunks of snow and ice and make them uncomfortable for them so that this does not happen Crop the area around Short-haired dogs do not get the same level of warmth as long-haired dogs. Buy them dog sweaters or knit them yourself. They keep your dogs warm and make them look more loving.
In many areas, it drives the city of salt and ice. This salt or anti-icing agent can cause pain to the dog when it gets into a crack in the foot. By rubbing a thin film of petroleum jelly on the bottom of their feet, it will reduce the amount of salt adhering to them. Homes that come home will always walk comfortably like the feet of the event convention house.
Wet hair can be an unpleasant pet. When coming back from a walk in the rain or snow, dry them, preferably with a blow dryer.
Winter cold is as dangerous for your dog as summer heat. Use common sense and keep him safe and warm.
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