Writing a winning sales letter is one of the ways to sell Internet product / ebook / software. Everybody feels until writing such a sales letter. So we hire a copywriter to fight or do it, or buy a copywriting software. The character of victory follows the system.
It's tough. :
Copywriting, Sales Letters, Advertising, Marketing, Writing
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Writing a winning sales letter is one of the ways to sell Internet product / ebook / software. Everybody feels until writing such a sales letter. So we hire a copywriter to fight or do it, or buy a copywriting software. The character of victory follows the system. Below is a system such as "Template".
1. Headline: Headlines should answer questions: what is the biggest advantage of your product / ebook / software. Please consider the biggest benefits. Many people will come to mind at first. Your job is to think about the biggest thing. Put this advantage at the end of any of the following questions:
* I would like to do. ..?
* Who else would like to do. ..?
* I would like to do it. ..?
After you can think of something like
2. Write a start line. This is the answer to your headline. Some things to say: "If you want to know more about .. And this is the most important information you have ever read." Fill the blank with the most important advantage of your product Please.
3. Name your product and give the visitor information about what you are looking for in it.
4. Imagine all the benefits of your product. It is imagined under this page.
5. Now list the specific benefits and / or features in the form of bullets. These bullets are the product of yours while being the content of getting to the taste of your visit.
6. Make your offer now. This price is a high quality product such as useful. And understand the need for so many more people can have access to the results of your hard work and for such products
7. Time to offer a bonus. At least one Bona bonus list and the benefits the visitor gains. Also mention the price of each bonus. Mention bonus total value at the end of the bonus list.
8. Time for customer feedback. It's from where you use your product and plug in the testimonials of the real people who found it useful, with its name.
9. Write your warranty / refund policy. This will make them feel in control of the purchase. While you're at it set a refund period. Usually the service you use to collect payments and deliver your product-the provider specifies the terms of the refund you accept on the terms.
10. Encourage action. Paste the Buy Now button. Allow your visitors to buy.
11 You are over. Edit this letter and set it on your website using Dreamweaver or any other WYSIWYG editor of your choice.
Jig Ziglar Sales Training
Jig Ziegler opened a training office in Australia on 1 March 2007, with Brisbane, Melbourne, Sydney and
It's tough. :
Sales training secret sales, sales training Brisbane, sales, sales training Melbourne to the handling of objections, sales training Sydney
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To further promote the success of the Ziegler franchise in Australia, we have sales training classes in Brisbane, Melbourne, Sydney and Perth.
As a reseller, you can access marketing materials and content, sales training and Zig Ziglar products.
Further information Sales training Visit Australia www.ziglar.com.au or see details
Sales closure secrets http://www.ziglar.com.au/salesclosingtraining.htm and Ziglar's sales system http://www.ziglar.com.au/ salestraining.htm.
Contact Ray Schroder at http://www.ziglar.com.au/Contact.htm for more information
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