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ABC of breastfeeding.

ABC of breastfeeding.

From the first moment when the baby is applied to the breast, it must be carefully nursed to a specific plan. This needs to be done well by the child, essentially contributing to maintaining the parent's health rendered a good nurse in this manner, while at the same time her

This, however, means meticulous attention to some of her mothers to her own health. Nevertheless, all instances of a healthy and polluted nurse's malfunction as a fluid for her children, as if diligently attentive to these important points, affected infants There is a possibility to give.

And this is because the women are being nursed, she should live quite completely and add the benefits of wine, porter, or other fermented liquor to her regular meal and the only result of this plan is This is to cause a complete unnaturalness in the system, this places the nurse on the brink of illness, and the correct plan of the procedure itself is sufficiently evident; note the normal law of health Just paying, if the mother has a healthy constitution, will make a better nurse than a foolish deviation based on ignorance and whim.

The following case prove the correctness of this sentence:

A young woman trapped in her first child left a room laying at the expiration of the third week, a good nurse, and a perfect health condition. She had some problems with her nipple, but this was overcome quickly.

Porter system is now in operation, and half of this beverage was taken in 4 and 20 hours, from pint to pint. But as becoming a nurse, she was told that it is always necessary, and her milk and strength will fail long without it.

After this plan lasted for several days, her mother became sleepy and began to sleep during the day. Porter was ordered to be left out; remedial measures were prescribed; and all symptoms, both parents and children, had been removed after a while,

Before becoming a mother, as she became accustomed to taking wine glasses or two, sometimes table beer tumbler, she decided to keep both parents and children during the rest of breastfeeding to follow exactly the previous meal plan The latter was kept in good health, the latter had not tasted artificial food until September, the parent's milk, for that desire

No one can doubt that Porter is the source of mischief in this case. The patient was having a good time, lying in full health lying in the room, she came out of her room to enter it (relatively) and her constitution was repeated before Not worn down by child care and nursing, she had enough supply of milk, and hence now her previous habits were completely dispersed with the adopted plan; her The system got too full, sickness occurred, the result I experienced was not more than what I expected.

I plan to follow the first 6 months. Until breast milk is fully established, until 2 or 3 days (almost always on first confinement), the infant is slightly thin porridge, or one third of water and 3 minutes

After this time, it only needs to get its nutrition from the chest, so that the appetite of the infant for 10 or 10 days, like the frequency to provide the breast, so that the desire is easily satisfied with the mother's guide It will be updated frequently though. However, before the appetite resumes again, enough interval is obtained to digest the slightly swallowed and fresh supply is required.

It is inherently necessary at the end of the week or so, with some kids, this will digest each meal to care for infants at regular intervals of 3 or 4 hours, day and night Tend to allow enough time, in turn tend to keep the bowel's bowel. Such regularity further seems to be induced only by always placing the child on the chest, a young mother to remove frustration and its constant cry to eliminate all of anxiety as an indicator of appetite Considering the expression, this very serious error is encountered quite often, and whenever the baby provides breasts, this means that by overloading the stomach the food is not digested and the food of the child When the intestines are always out of order, quickly become restless, feverish and maybe lost; when the infant may have become active, healthy simply by attending the above rules of nursing.

For the same reason, infants sleeping with their parents should not leave their nipples in their mouth all night. If you care as suggested, you will find that it awakens great regularity as a time for its meal approach. I refer to nursing at night, I propose to suck a baby as 10 o'clock p. m. And do not put it on my chest again until 5 am the next morning. Many mothers adopt this hint, they have great advantage in their own health and will not hurt anything by their children. In the latter it will become a habit soon; however, to induce it, you must teach it early.

The above plan must be pursued up to the sixth month without change.

After 6 months at weaning, parents have a large supply of nutritional milk with good and, if her child is healthy, clearly prospering with it, its dietary change, but otherwise , (Which is, however, too frequently even six months ago), children may be fed twice in a day, that kind of

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