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Volley and overhead smash.

Volley and overhead smash.

The net attack is a heavy artillery of tennis. This will greet all of you crushing. Shot Valley or Smash as to whether it will be at the time of the stroke as a point that needs such as.

Once hit from the point of the first opportunity given to get the racket straight in front of the ball on the net. Described for Drive All laws of footwork are theoretically the same with volleying. In fact you do not have time to change your feet in a rare set position so you throw your weight to the foot closest to the ball and shoot

Volley is in two classes: (1) low volley made from below the waist, and (2) high volley from hip to head. In contrast to the classification of the impact surface, there are two styles known as (1) deep volley and (2) stop volley.

All low cut off. Tall block or hit it. Volley should never be stroked. There is little follow-through for low volley and high things.

You hear many stories of "chop" volley. The chopped stroke is that the racket moves from the top to the bottom of the ball's flight line and moves through it and the angle made behind the racket is 45 degrees so I should not break the bowling say. If you want a slice volley, or hit them flat, both these shots are made in a very small angle on the ball's flight line

For all bowling, the wrist should be locked and absolutely stiff in case of high or low. Therefore it should always be under the racket fixing the racket against the influence of the sphere. In addition to the power of the incoming shot, to allow the ball to return, allow your weight and do not strive to "wear" it up. The surface of the tilted racket gives the necessary angle for return by grazing the ball off the cord, so the rotation of the wrist is not necessary.

Low volley can not be hard hit and should be sharp, usually to allow distance for rising due to net height. Any ball can hit hard hit by a plane higher than the top of the net. The stroke is felt cold, wearing, becoming a decisive one, and a ball. Follow-through should be very small. Most low volcanoes should be soft and short. Most high volley requires speed and length.

"Stop" volley is nothing but a short block shot. I have no power to use. The racket simply fills the opposing ball and stops it. The ball bounces off and its own weight falls. There are almost bounces in such shots, which racquet returns spinning back to the ball like this and does not fall under the ball at the moment of the shock

Volleying is a science based on the old geometric axiom that a straight line is the shortest distance between two points. I mean that vorayer must always cover a straight through shot because it is the shortest shot with which to hand him, which makes him such a dangerous pure man Johnston's greatness It is a straight volleyball. He constantly "punches" his volley straight at his opponent's court and is difficult for the opening.

In order to achieve an underground stroke without net players, it will be simple position. Do not think that services and volley are sufficient for top tennis.

Try to kill your shots and your shots will hit the ball cross and cover of the start. You should always not miss the efforts of power, playful, painfully possible shot.

Attack with your bowling. There is no protection of the ball with the net. The only defensive volley as you come is 1 with your feet. This is a mid coat shot. Volley needs to win with an arrangement beyond speed, although it can be used with high speed volley, but.

It is closely related to volley, still never a volley stroke, overhead smash. It is a big berser of tennis. It is a long-distance fear that should always be scored. The footwork, position, and direction rules governing volley would be sufficient for overhead. The vibration alone is different. Swing closely sliced ​​service, swing arm freely from racket and shoulder, flexible wrist and soft wrist and a slight twist to the ball to hold it in court The bounce speeding up the victory at the point of the overhead center is none at all It was late, so the time we could arrange was on a recovery trend.

Do not unnecessarily jump through the air to hit the overhead ball. It helps to adjust weight and maintains at least one foot on the ground with smashing, to give better balance, feet if possible. If necessary, hit critically and flat to the point.

Most missed overhead style blows are due to the eyes leaving the ball; but the second class of mistakes is cramped, due to lack of confidence giving a half-vibe vibration your overhead blow Follow the limits of vibration.

Overhead is essentially a doubles shot, because the chance of handing net men in singles is greater than roving on his head, so doubles

And it will be possible to photograph the longest distance safely so it will result in an efficiency error. So while the Smash Network Court is pressed down, shrinking lobs are decided, people are also playing.

It gives momentum as a hit overhead that can be dropped in, and it will be against the position of attack. Never reverse twist and always hit the surface of a straight racket and do not tell the start.

It is closely connected to overhead, lob because it is a normal defense to any hard smash.

Lob is the height of the ball landing between the service line and the baseline. Excellent lob should be within 6 feet of baseline.

Lob is inherently defensive. Lobbing's idea is (1) giving time to restore the position when pulled out of the court by the opponent's shot, (2) following netman this is usually lob volley from the near net and slightly It is a different stroke.

(1) Chop Lobe, there is undercut spin heavy in the air hung. This is the best defensive lob, as it gets higher and gives more time to recover position. (2) hit with stroke lob or flat lob, slight top spin. This is the lob that won the points, because it does not give time, the player is lower than chop and faster than chop Just as you make this lob, start your vibration like a drive but do not let the racket decelerate and tilt upward just like meeting the ball It tends to go out on a ball float There are so, this shot needs to go almost 10 feet above the air.

Chop lobs decided under cuts need to rise from high, 20-30 feet or more, and need to go deep. This is a short Rob and it is recommended to perform out love and back opponent so tired of him like this, rather than giving him confidence by easily killing Lob's worth is mainly to anger the opponent It is one and that effect is quite obvious if you unexpectedly bring out one at an important time of the game.

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