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Always fashionable Dren Picca oil paintings

"The spirit of Art Deco can be claimed to be expressed naturally through portraits rather than other kinds of paintings.The typical Art Deco portrait painter is definitely Tamara de Lempicka 1920s and 1930s Fashionable society is currently perceived mostly through her eyes "- Edward Lucy - Smith

Tamara de Lempicka is considered the most famous painter of the Art Deco era.

De Lempicka was born in Poland and she moved to Russia she lived in Unty. .

Small tits. :
Oil painting, artist, artwork, paintings

Article body:
"The spirit of Art Deco can be claimed to be expressed naturally through portraits rather than other kinds of paintings.The typical Art Deco portrait painter is definitely Tamara de Lempicka 1920s and 1930s Fashionable society is currently perceived mostly through her eyes "- Edward Lucy - Smith

Tamara de Lempicka is considered the most famous painter of the Art Deco era.

De Lempicka was born in Poland and she moved to Russia where she lived until the Russian Revolution. She ran to Paris. There she entered the Academy * De La * Grand Chaumiere and personally learned art.

By 1923 she was showing her work at a major salon. She developed a distinctive and bold style called "Soft Cubism", but it is known as most Art Deco - a cool contemporary in roaring 20's

For her first major show, in Milan in 1925 she drew 28 pieces. She soon drew duchesses and duke, was the most fashionable portrait painter of her generation.

She bought dozens of her paintings and acquired a Patron, Baron Laul Kuffner, entrusted her to paint his mistress. De Lempicka completed the portrait and then took the place of the mistress in the baron's life.

In the summer of 1939, she and Baron took a vacation in the US and eventually moved to New York.

Ultimately she adopted a new style, using a palette knife instead of a brush. Her new style as her hub did not. She subsequently stopped painting completely, decided not to show her work again.

Tamara - de - Lempicka Mexico, died of her sleep in 1980. She lived a long, wild life. Before she died, a new generation discovered her art and greeted it with enthusiasm. At the time of her death, her early Art Deco paintings were displayed and purchased again. A play about her life was produced in Los Angeles. Nicholson Jack Madonna contains her work which began collecting stars of many movies. Madonna has also immortalized De Llepica with her music video for "expressing myself" and "Vogue".

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Games for which transactions or transactions are not established

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