What is the reason we eat food? As we ask if it might sound like this, we eat all of our bodies. Many of us also have an emotional satisfaction when we eat, most of us are omnivores, meaning to eat everything including meat and poultry
Many convincing reasons to move towards a vegetarian diet are many of them health related. However, many people refuse to eat meat due to the inhumane treatment of animals being mass produced to feed the population. Animal farming on a scale that it is necessary to meet the consumption of the United States is cruelly cruel. When you eat meat, you overfed it to its pre-life slaughterhouse, by artificially shortening it, they are able to use small pen and cage to withstand chronic stress We keep it. By the way, in any young live, they will be born one day from that baby. They are given growth hormone and antibiotics and are protected from natural behaviors and behaviors characterizing normal life span. Pigs are not allowed on the route. The calf is kept immovable. The chicken was kept in the cage and its beak tapped off with a burning hot knife to prevent aggressive behavior which is the result of unnatural confinement.
Do you really think the flesh of an animal is separated from its spirit and its energy? The pressure and agony that endure their shortened life pour all the cells of the body. Please believe that depression and stress can make humans sick and infect muscles and organs. Are animals very different? You do not need meat or milk for survival. We are no longer a hunting society but simply a consuming society.
Is not it the time we all started to think differently what we consume to feed our bodies? We are evolving from herbivores, but we are departing from our own evolution path. When it is the only means for survival, you can eat meat and eat it. But it is no longer true, our choices are plentiful. Do they need to include the flesh of the animal suffering? How could you possibly nutrition?
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