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different kinds of vegetarians

Many people think as a single homogeneous group that does not eat meat only by vegetarians. But nothing can be far from the truth. There are various categories of diverse vegetarians as reasons to go vegetarian in the first place.

Vegetarians are generally defined as those who do not eat meat. But someone who is vegetarian can eat dairy products like maybe milk, eggs and cheese. Lacto ovo vegetarian does not eat meat, fish or poultry, but does not consume eggs, milk or cheese. Lacto vegetarian consumes milk and cheese products, but does not consume eggs.

Vegan is a person who does not consume animal products or by-products including dairy products. They only eat vegetables, fruits, nuts, cereals, legumes. They also do not use animal products such as leather. Vegan also does not use white sugar, as it is often treated with animal bone-derived substances that whiten sugar.

There are vegetarians within the category of "Others." For example, Fruitarians eat only fruits. Their basis is that fruits including fruits such as tomatoes are self-perpetual and need not be planted to make a food source That they consider it the way to eat it is most of the balance and harmony with the most natural earth.

All of the above will eat cooked vegetables, fruits, legumes. There is also a growing movement toward eating only raw or live food. It cooks only over 100 degrees when cooked at all, based on the assumption that cooking foods then processes the majority of the nutrients then gets all nutritional value, vitamins and amino acids from the food So, nutrients are still retained.

But there is more education will be your diet more restrictive There must be certainly all the necessary proteins and vitamin health, special

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