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Cholesterol is one of the major substances that causes heart attacks,


Cholesterol is one of the major substances that causes heart attacks, high blood cholesterol levels, and weight problems. Despite its "bad man's image", this waxy fat like substance is made in the body by the human own liver and many unknown to many people

There are two kinds of low density lipoprotein (LDL) and high density lipoprotein (HDL). The former is thus a bad type of cholesterol that is known to clog people's blood vessels, which increases the risk of heart attacks and heart disease. Studies have shown that diets with high saturated fat are major dietary causes of elevated LDL cholesterol levels. The latter, on the other hand, is a good type of cholesterol that reduces the risk for any heart disease that helps clear LDL cholesterol from the blood stream. Studies show that the rich in fruit and vegetable diet, together with the average level of omega 3 from fish oil, greatly aids in raising the HDL cholesterol level

Diet therapy is the main cause of having high cholesterol levels, but experts are concerned with genetics such as extra drinking, lack of practice or regular body


Indeed, cholesterol is a problem of the health growth of many people in the world. Experts say that people over the age of 20 need to be more concerned about their cholesterol level; therefore, they lower the LDL cholesterol, it is rather hard to stick to the conditions and regulations necessary to fight the growing problem and regiment You can control with appropriate diet to lower cholesterol

Research emphasizes eating heart healthy food to lower cholesterol, therefore, the risk of heart disease can be utilized while removing bad fat, but appropriate, proved low cholesterol diet therapy Apart from the use of today, the most important thing is to help with lowering cholesterol levels

Experts say that meals to lower cholesterol contain good food like cereals - especially whole grain products and cereals - such salmon and other effective means here Through low cholesterol diet:

1. First of all before you try any lower cholesterol diet so that he / she manages the appropriate exam and has access to your general health condition

2. You can lower your cholesterol value by replacing polyunsaturated fat and saturated fat in meat, chicken and whole dairy products.

3. Eat sophisticated carbohydrate containing bakery products, pasta, collective zombina and Tokyu Ha and sugar added food.

4. When eating out, make sure to ask the waiter to provide replacement like steaming or preparation of boiled food. If possible, lean meat, fish, or fried, baked, steamed, or fried instead of poached and want a lot of vegetable side dishes and fresh fruit dessert skinless chicken

5. Reduce in your eggs, margarine, or butter from your daily diet.

6. Vegetables such as natural base oils, corn and olive oil are regular edible oils instead of dishes.

7. Since many garlic cooks to the load, we will make the substance low HDL cholesterol.

8. Supplement of high quality daily vitamin mineral such as vitamin E to improve blood circulation and vitality to lower your high cholesterol level

The best dish that is part of the meal to lower cholesterol

People have to eat to have energy to do some things. I will fill the viking table of scraping and traveling. In any case, the type of food brought to the plate is healthy or harmful, and its choice is really up to the person.

People who love to eat other meals, such as lean meat, fat or oil, risks getting sick. This is not diarrhea, it is a threatening life because of the amount of bad cholesterol incorporated in the body.

A high level of cholesterol in the body is frequent happening now. This is for the various foods that are being offered now in grocery and restaurants. People can still recover by eating unsatisfactory food with saturated fat.

Cholesterol The answer is all food groups from no balanced diet.

Instead of drinking full cream milk use mick cornflakes or whole grains instead of fat milk. The taste is almost the same, but it is much healthier than the regular brand you bought at the supermarket.

Instead of cookout or picnic when having a steak, this should change lean meat instead. These things are not so fat at the center or the edge and taste just as the large plates served by the mush potato.

A healthy one with lunch or dinner is food coming from the ocean. This can be a shellfish or a fish known to carry a highly effective omega-3 with a drop in the level of cholesterol in people.

It was ok because we can not see the sweets bar or slice cake to eat, but these rich fat of these. If you need to fill your stomach with something, try nuts and fruits instead. These products consume vitamins, minerals and health as rich fibers.

For each meal, people should not forget to add some fruit to the plate. Salad works best with the best carpet or side dish with a few carrots or potatoes. There will always be a balance whenever an individual decides to eat meat or fish.

If this is fried, chicken is not good. People who want to eat it for change can still do as long as the skin is being removed. This can also emit steam which is a healthier way to cook it before it serves in the plate.

There are many ways to cook the mentioned food. Individuals can get a cookbook or come up with something delicious You can download some recipes from the internet at the same time

If it is difficult to follow the instructions, there is always a TV program that tells the tutor and other people the basics for cooking foods that are suitable for meals.

It will not be too long, but it will be long and healthy to live with a change in lifestyle late.

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