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Chop, half volley, and the position of the court.

Chop, half volley, and the position of the court.

Chop stroke

In tennis, chopstroke, the angle of the back of the player and the racket made by the ball's flight line may be greater than 45 degrees and 90 degrees The face of the racket slightly under the outside and sides of the ball Pass through and chopping it. Spins and curves are from right to left. It is made of a hard wrist.

The sliced ​​shot reduced the angle mentioned from 45 degrees to just a very small one. The strokes are mainly twists and slashes of the wrist, but the face of the racquet passes either inside or outside the ball depending on the desired direction. This slapping gives a decided skidding break for the ball, Chop "dragging" the ball from the ground without breaks,.

Footwork rules for both of these shots must be the same as the drive, but both with short swings and more wrist play

Basically this shot is a defensive, effort relieving device is the opponent's baseline. Chops and slices are very difficult to drive and split any driving game.

The owner of the blog on using shots at shot is concerned that it is too expensive to do it as it is. As he comes he should use short and soft blows at the net's foot. Do not strive to pass net men with chops or slices except large openings.

The drop shot is perfectly played with the wrist, very soft, sharp chopstroke. It should fall within 3 to 5 feet of the net to be every use. The face of the racket passes around the outside of the ball and there is a clear "wrist turn under it." Do not swing the racket from the shoulder of making a drop shot. Drop shots are not related to stop volley. Drop shot is all wrist. Stop volley has no wrist.

It is an authentic faction to auxilliary of use wrist, shoot chopp, slice, drop only. They intend to confuse the opponent's game through the various spins on the ball.

Half volley

This shot requires more perfect timing, vision, and work of the racket than anything else.

It is a pickup. The ball fills the ground and the face of the racket at about the same moment and the ball bounces off the ground with strings. This shot is a hard wrist, short swing, like volley with no follow through. Thus the surface travel of the racket on the sphere and along the ground with a slight inclination towards the net squeezes the ball low; strikes along the short strings, like all else in tennis, the face of the racket is always ball You need to do a little outside.

Half volley is inherently defensive stroke because it should be done as the only last resort when catching from position by opponent's shot It will rescue himself from a dangerous position without backwards Desperate It is an attempt. Never voluntarily half volley.

Court position.

The tennis court is net from a long baseline of 39 pairs. There are only two places the tennis player should wait for the ball in the tennis court.

1. Approximately three feet behind the baseline near the center of the court, or

2. About six to eight feet back from the net and almost opposite the ball.

At first, it is the place for all baseline players. The second is the net position.

If you are drawn from these positions by blows you have to return you have hit the ball but reach one of the two positions mentioned as fast as possible

The distance from the baseline to about 10, the foot from the net can be regarded as "Norman Land" or "Blank". "Never leave there as a deep blow caught at your feet Do not retreat after the baseline to wait for return after doing your shot from the blank as you need to do frequently So, if you are drawn briefly and can not be retreated safely, please continue all the way to the net position.

Strawberry shot is simply the next thing to do, that position is off, next stroke. You are always striving to achieve the position to arrive at the spot that is going on before the ball actually arrives. Please do your hard running while the ball is in the air.

By learning to do this, natural expectations play a major role. Depending on the position and return to some player sensing, there is no other feeling. It is in the latter class that urges the position of the court and always recommends that you come in from the back of the baseline to fill the ball,

You need to catch on the net with a short short short, like he can easily do, standing still, he freely told you that you hit him and he as a swing , I pick out the side who thinks it will jump suddenly. If you think that you are right, you earn points. In case you are not mistaken it will be beaten as it will be hit by him anyway.

Your position should always strive to be able to cover the largest possible area of ​​the court without sacrificing you safety It's much easier to get in front of the ball sooner than that It is a question of how many courts can be protected.

A well-founded knowledge of the court's position will save a lot of points, say nothing of many breath spent in long runs after a desperate shot

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