The study showed that the quality and length of your baby's nap will affect his night's sleep. If he naps too late on the day, it will most certainly affect his night's sleep. It is important that you adjust to your baby's body clock and learn what his natural naptime is so that the night's sleep schedule will also be on the right track. His "getting your baby for a nap as soon as you see the sleepy signal is also instructive." If you wait too long, he will become excessive, as a result you will not be able to sleep I will.
Consistency is the key. Every time you see the signal, please drop him down for a nap, know the time to drop him for a nap. Interested people, toys, abrasive eyes are said to be lost under quieting that will be included in the signal, floating, yawning, or decreasing to the head. Wait for too long, if it is not "wind" it will make him a nap. As soon as answering the signal, studying your child's biological clock, if you do not eliminate the later possibilities of having a crabby day or evening child later, but you must deal with such fusssy children, If you see the signal carefully and consistently for weeks or so, it will be easier for both of you to follow
The development of consistent nap routines is equally important. Naptime for what you should go to bed a day in the same way you are sitting. This routine is like quiet music, like elements that made usual things at night, from where there is no support system like this. Follow the routine faithfully every day unless your child is particularly active, such as family going out or another activity outside of daily life. And if your baby learns a nap routine, he will also learn clues to tell him when naptime is approaching making naptime easier with you.
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