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Correspond to new schedule

As it will be one day, think that you are at the baby's house you want to read Sleep does not need to go to bed. In the meantime, please take a good night's sleep. The baby sleeps for several weeks, perhaps by the evening of the moon. She can not sleep at night till night as she adjusts to the night and day schedule.

She sleeps at night sleeping through sleep. Many new mothers try to do everything at once, and when the baby falls for a nap, they start washing and washing. If you try to be Supermom you just make yourself tired.

It seems to be the first weekly cleaning and laundry. If you can have friends and relatives in order to see the baby for the afternoon while catching some very necessary sleep,

When you've been busy with new baby chores and all the other day, you need to do to maintain the home, and probably

I call my routine by yourself. The warm bath is also a hot spring, it is a healing music that is exciting with hot water. Even if you are not breastfeeding, please avoid caffeine during the day, especially at night. Drink water, caffeine-free and herbal tea. In case you save food preservatives and sodium, it is avoided as far as possible. Try eating very natural foods such as salads, green vegetables, fruits, warm healthy soup.

As soon as you can, go out and walk a little bit every day. Fresh air and moderate exercise will help you and your baby feel relaxed and help you sleep at night.

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