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Typical day and night

Bringing a new baby to the house brings with it an array of emissions of new responsibilities and challenges. Is there sort of typical day and night for new parents? Maybe no!
Remember, the baby just puts the baby close to you, as he is part of the process of bringing him home to the beginning, his transition from the womb to the outside world, so put him close to you Keep it warm. If you are breast-feeding, this will take some time for both of you to adjust as well.

If a new baby is given he needs to give it every 3 to 5 hours. If you breastfeed, he needs to give it more frequently. Sometimes, you will feel breastfeeding doing all day and night. You will probably feel much more empathy with the cow! And there are lots of divers to change, especially until you get used to his schedule. His diaper probably needs to be replaced immediately after breastfeeding, once per hour in the first hour. Please check frequently.

We recommend keeping the sponge bath every few days until the umbilical cord has fallen out, but we will wash the bottom of the baby every day. You can wipe your baby's hands, face, neck and bottom everyday with soft washbowl in warm water. If the baby is ready for the full bath, it is a good idea to prevent the rash of the diaper everyday in a few weeks. However, please see the page of Ama. Is a baby.

Those little fingers and toenails are growing soon and need to be regularly arranged so that the baby does not hurt himself. Even at birth, the baby 's nails may become longer and adhere to the nail bed at a high price. You need to gently push the fingerpad away from the nail and clip it with the baby's nail clipper. You might want to do this when the baby is sleeping.

At least it gets used to being busy 24/7 during the first month. You eat and change diapers around your watch, so you get as much help as you can and you can have peace.

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