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Diabetes mellitus

Various forms of diabetes alone affect the% of the world population of 12 million diabetic patients in Western Europe. Different ways diabetes shows, noninsulin dependent diabetes (NIDDM) is probably the most commonly found genetic disease. NIDDM or type II diabetes is also multifactorial, also due to environmental factors including obesity, sedentary lifestyle and nutritional imbalance.

Yoga has shown some beneficial results in the treatment of diabetes. It includes medication, relaxation and stretching gymnastics, as well as a combined position to treat specific conditions, so prescribing to cure diabetes

One of the studies conducted to treat diabetes was the Yoga Biomedical Trust established in 1982 by Roche Biochemistry Robin * Monro, and 30 minutes

Yoga patients were asked to participate in one or two 90 - minute session weeks and practice at home. The class included specific yoga exercises of spinal twist, bow and abdominal breathing.

At the end of the 12 weeks blood glucose level it fairly fell in all patients of the group and slightly increased in the control group not joined at the yoga conference. Three yoga students were able to reduce their medicine, including one man who had not changed his drug regime for 20 years.

For a long time, exercise is known to be beneficial for diabetic patients. Stress in yoga therapy is tolerable diabetes milder. It is necessary to maintain a normal session if we must find a patient that is a disadvantage. Every patient said they would like to see these classes being set permanently, but we do not have any money.

It is not necessarily a movement component of the most important yoga therapy package, only stress hormones elevate the sugar content in the blood, as there is not enough physical exercise to consider the change. People also feel that the stability of their mood brought by yoga, the enhanced feeling of well-being and the control of their diet regimens that may help with

Treatment through yoga

One of the yoga yoga, the oldest form of movement in the popular place, has experienced resurgence in our stressful contemporary world. I do not think that 3000 years old practice can increase popularity. Yoga, however, is now prescribed by several health workers as a stress relief, due to the range of health diseases and diseases, and other fitness programs

Practice yoga and they will immediately extoll the infinite list of benefits talk to anyone. It seems that beginners will soon convert. They believe that it is the key to the common goal of the world today's health and well-being for most people. But the fact that perhaps the biggest ad for yoga seems to graduate from a strange alternate rank to a fairly wide community acceptance position

Housewives, businessmen, athletes, teenagers and the elderly are practicing various yoga positions, meditation and various breathing methods related. For many people, yoga is the way of life. A school of belief insists that chronic and accumulated stress is the reason for many of our modern diseases.

Advocates of yoga claim that there is a diversity of technologies to counter the cause and to attack the cause as well as symptoms, unlike medication therapy. A comprehensive approach to being told is health and fitness. Many professional athletes looking for edges have become yoga as an auxiliary form of training. They found that yoga helps their condition of spiritual, physical relaxation between training sessions, and their important build

There are also major in yoga so physical - psychomotor. It is excellent for posture and flexibility, is the physical element of both keys for most sports people, and in some respects has the advantage of strength to be obtained. Yoga teacher says the approach of yoga therapy is one of the most effective ways to achieve the spiritual edge the athlete desires.

Marian Fenlon, one of the past yoga teachers in Brisbane for twenty years, is the author of two books on the subject and has thousands of yoga students, many of whom are teachers. Believe it or not, she taught yoga to footballers. I took the Brisbane - South Rugby League team. She says that there are eight elements in yoga therapy, including attitude, discipline, posture and flexibility, breathing, sensory consciousness, concentration, contemplation and meditation. Yoga can play a considerable supporting role in modern medicine and complement other fitness and practice programs. Supplements aerobic exercise for breathing skills that you can learn while yoga therapy has no aerobic fittable parts. The most demanding aerobic sports - your advantage is swimming - cycling is running. There are many examples of yoga that alleviate or cure serious diseases such as Parkinson's disease, multiple sclerosis, heart disease, respiratory diseases such as asthma and emphysema.

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