Pose of the moon (Shashankanha)
Sit on the knees with the palm on the thigh. I close my eyes and relax, but keep the spine and head straight.
Inhale deeply, lift the arms above the head, keep them straight and keep shoulder width away. As you breathe, bend forward from the waist and keep the arm and head in alignment. The hands and forehead should eventually be placed on the floor in front of the knees. Bend your elbow so that your arms are fully relaxed and held for five seconds.
Then breathe, slowly return to the standing position and raise your arms and body.
Spit your hand back on your thigh and return. Repeat 3-5 times.
Mountain pose (parvestasana)
It strengthens the nerves and muscles of the arms and legs and stimulates the circulation of the upper spinal column.
Raise your heel and extend your arms forward so your forehead will be on the floor. Breathe deeply and relax for a few seconds. I will return your hands and foot bridge, which you will see overall.
Suck it up, push it up to your toes. Please raise your butt and lower your head between the arms. Your back and legs should form both sides of the triangle.
I exhale, lay my feet on the floor and try to touch the floor above my head. Hold the position for 10 seconds.
Dynamic Yoga - Exercise 1 & 2
Shaking palm tree pose (Tiryaka Tadasana)
We are streamlining our waist and developing balance. Standing with feet 8 inches away, fix the eyes of your previous point directly. Link your fingers and turn the palm outward. Inhale deeply as if raising your arms over your head. Be careful not to reach forward or backward as you breathe, bend from your waist to your left side. After holding for a few seconds, when you inhale deeply, slowly return to the upright position.
Repeat 5 times on each side.
Cat Stretch Pose (Marjari - Asana)
Kneel down and lean forward to put your hands on the floor under your shoulder, your fingers face forward, hands along your knees, arms and thighs should be at right angles to the floor; the knees are slightly divided It may be.
Inhale deeply, lift your head and drop your spine so that your back becomes concave. Fill your lungs and hold for three seconds. Lower your head and stretch your spine up as you spit. At the end of breathing, pull the head of your buttock, the stomach muscle of the contract and the place of the arm.
Repeat 5 times.
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