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DO and not profitable mail order advertisement

Regardless of how you look at it, the most important aspect
Any successful mail order business is its advertisement. actually,
The success of mail orders is entirely dependent, and even based on
Good advertisement.

First of all, the dynamic, grand advertising that you have as you have it
Attract your eyes and grab the interests of the people you are doing
Try to sell to. Therefore, unless your ad actually "pops out"
Readers, your sales do not live up to expectations, and your ads
Money is wasted.

The eye-catching appeal of your advertisement must begin with a headline.
Please use the headline to create images very quickly in the mind
Readers - the vision of all the problems being solved, and
Achievement of the kind of happiness they want. Your headline
You can not fail to catch the attention of your prospects
Capture him for the rest of the ad because it goes
Unread! So just by writing your ads for a while,
Quickly profit how your opinion
Come on, I will send the cause to him
Your "solution" to his problem. Your copy,
Excitement, and aggressiveness. Do not be afraid to use
Hard sales approach! I think that what it says
Offer and general, "everyday" please use the correct English.

Still, do not forget that you are honest. Please do not exaggerate.
Or make a request that can not be backed up. I can not promise that there is nothing at all
We do not expect, or to maintain. By doing so, you
People of federal trade and fair practice.

We highlight the benefits of your products and services. Explain to you
Readers how to own a copy of your book (eg), or
Living life as a reception service rich and happy,
More abundant. Do not involve in detailing all the money
You have spent developing and researching the product
Selling information only, still selling,
Credential information to provide it. Emphasize the value of "sizzle"

It is important to involve th readers as frequently as possible
Use of the word "you". "Write a copy as if you were
Talk to and try to sell just one person. ♪ Do not let ♪
The sound of your advertisement as a speaker of a commander speaking to a huge stadium
It is full of people, but as if there was only one individual

And do not try to make you excessively wise, brilliant or humerous
Advertisement. Keeping your copy easy, keep it at the target
Toward the sale of products and services for your prospects
Its advantages. In other words, it keeps it simple, but clear, at all
I do not want to confuse the reader with cost. Just tell him
Indeed what he will buy for his money, the benefit he receives;
How to move about ordering it. You do not have to be too friendly.
In fact, please do not use slang expression as "becoming popular".

Thinking myself as a door * two * door by writing advertisements
Salesman You need to get attention of prospects
Immediately, interested in him, created by the product you are selling
You want to enjoy the benefits, and you can close the sale.

Copywriting, advertisement display, advertisement, sale
A letter or pamphlet is a learning technique. That can be done by anyone
Master with research, practice, and perhaps some bits
Professional guidance.

First move, recognize the research competition,
How they sell their products. Practice to rewrite their ads
From different perspectives, or from different sales angles.
Save clipped ad files from another publication
Files of advertisement writing thought. Copying one of the jobs;
Just use other advertising materials to stimulate yourself

Some of "unknown facts" about advertising - and writing advertisements
Especially - tell me that you can not ask for more than 3 dollars
Short classified type ad. Generally, we will take $ 5 item
Display advertisement of at least one inch. If you are selling $ 10
Items will require at least a quarterly page - probably half
Copy pages - and $ 15 to $ 20 items require full pages. I will.
You are selling really big ticket items (costing over $ 50)
Please require 4 page sales letters, brochures, different order coupons,
And the return envelope on the way back.

If you are making an offer via direct mail, the best
Mail system with it on Sunday, Monday or Tuesday will confirm it
I will not arrive on Monday, the first busiest day of the week.
And again, unless you are promoting big ticket items, quality
Or it will not have a wonderful effect on the color of your paper
The response you get, but the quality of your printing is completely
Please keep this in mind as you place your print order.

The last point to keep in mind: the summer moon where people are
Holidays to be a process for months
Direct mail But they are good for opportunities and advertising
Frequently in the vacation area, and publications found in motels
It's hotel.

Stress that can not be done again often often
The order, indeed, is not dependent on advertising, just like anything
Otherwise, quality is paid off in the long run. Read this report again;
Study it. Then apply the following principles
That. They can work for others and work for you!

How to write profitable ads

I wanted everyone. .. In fact most people
They are tremendously rich and want to hit something! And
At first sight, one of the easiest roads to these fulfillment
Wealth's dream is within mail order or expert
The yen of sales of business and direct delivery. .

The only thing is that almost no one gives so many real ideas to
Basic ingredients of sales by email - write profitability
Classified advertisement If your mail order business should succeed
You need to acquire expertise in writing classified ads
Sell ​​your products and services!

What makes a classified advertisement better or wrong? First and foremost,
Appeal to the reader, and that, exactly what you have to say
That's what I want to say. Secondly, I must say it even to say the least
To maintain your operational costs, the possible number of words
In your budget. And third, it must generate hope
Query or sell the results or not.

Getting your attention is your first goal. I will.
Assume that you are "scanning" the page on which the ad is displayed
With two, three hundred classified advertising companies. Therefore,
There must be something about your advertising to stop him
Scan and look at you! So, the first few words
Your ad is of the utmost importance and deserves your careful value
Consideration. As you can see in the Survey Survey, words are like this. create
Big money! Easy & simple. Tsutsu limited offer, send $ 1.00

These are all good ingredients to be classified
Advertisement --- Caution - Interest - Desire - Act. .. These four
The raw material that is skillfully integrated into your advertisement is your opportunity
Advertising does not do anything just "is there", but it costs you money.
What we just indicated is a basic classified advertisement. However,
Such advertisements can be placed in any top-notch publication,
Pull out a good reaction and it will pull as it is known as "blind advertisement"
Inquiries and responses from the whole spectrum of reading people
The publication that it appeared. In other words, from as
Many "time consumers" from good faith buyers.

Let's try giving examples of types of ads categorized into you
Say that you sell such a report, there are cases you may use. ..using
Saying that all the rules of the basic ad copy lighting
Accurately, what our product is, our ad reads:

      Money maker's secret! How to write a victory
      Review by classified advertisement ""
      Double or triple response. To rush $ 1
      ABC sales, 10 main, Anytown, TX 75001.

The point we are making is 1) you have to grab the reader
Be careful .. 2) You began to go "to further stimulate" him
Something (catchphrase) That means he
service. ..4) He demands to act immediately. .

Tricky or clever things are meaningless. Please adhere to exactly
The basic principle and your interest will increase accordingly. one of
The best way to learn writing good classified ads is to investigate
Classifieds - Let's figure out what exactly they are trying
Sales - After that, exercises to rewrite them according to the rules
We gave you. Whenever you are sitting
It is classified and always exports it all - and back on it,
Cross words and refine your expression.

The final ingredient of your classified advertisement is of course yours
Name & address is that the reader responds - he's to do
I will send him money or write about the details.

In general, readers respond more frequently to advertisements such as
It contains more names than initials or indicators
Number of words or amount of space used by ads
Advertising is very expensive because it is classified as a part. If we
We asked for advertisements to write or respond to send their money to
Research writer & publisher association, or our advertisement
Cost is outrageous. Therefore, we shorten the name researcher
Or money maker. The point here is to think relatively
To make your ad placement expenses, and to make it too short
It's name.

The same holds true when listing the number of boxes of your post office.
Just shorten it to plain box 40, or in the case of rural areas
Delivery will shorten it to RR1 just

The important thing is to know the rules of highly profitable classification
To write advertisements, and to follow them. We will keep your expenses in the line.

   Now you know the basics. The rest is up to you.

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