It can be quite expensive when we turn to eating raw food. The ultimate is to grow your own garden. In the case of back yards will be focused on. Otherwise, get some planters and grow couple of tomato plants along the walls of the patio, artistic works around the door with one big round planter and pouch and original design of each vegetable plant make. I put a small garden here one type of vegetable and put another on the south side of the garden. Sky is the limit of what you can do.
Offering to help them in exchange with food items if you can find someone with organic garden. Most people need help, and the bigger the garden, the more help you need. You can take care of weeds, greenhouses, monitor customers who need help, and prepare plants for resale. Very few people refuse good honest labor. Working in all the spring, summer and autumn gardens is tired of work; someone will be blessed to help us.
If you can find a sale of organic or fresh vegetables towards the end of the summer season, buy them in bulk and freeze or your favor If you have a large deep freeze, You can freeze quite a bit. Otherwise, get a dehydrator and dry your food. These do not require special storage and are added to soup and stew, casserole at the same time as it is snowing outside, or by hand in the middle of winter
Please look around and see what is in your neighborhood and in the local city area. There are many opportunities waiting for your attention and skills, but they will never come knocking on your door!
Good luck with your new raw food stuff!
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