"A stick and a stone may break my bones, but the name never hurts me.
That is not true. Name call hurts - especially those who are doing it, parents, teachers, or coaches. The scream that you could have been the way you were raised and you might think that it worked for you, so why did it did your child but it? I remember. You probably devalued neglect, and feel insecure. Surely I do not want you to feel it like your own child. It can cause emotional trauma that can be hurt in the long run. Among other things, verbal abuse damages his ability to form a relationship, trusts to compromise your child's self-esteem, distinguishes him in his academic and social skills, calls of name, oaths, insults, To threaten, condemn or use irony of physical harm is any form of verbal abuse.
What are the signs that children are suffering from verbal abuse? They may have a very negative self-image. They can do actions that are self-destructive, as well as hurting such cutting, blowing and self, as well as other reckless and dangerous activities. They may represent physical aggression, delinquent at school, or display interpersonal issues. They attack other children, often fight with classmates at school, animals are cruel. They may also show a delay in their social, physical, academic or emotional development.
Recent research suggests that children suffering from verbal abuse are more likely to become victims of abuse in later life, abuse themselves
It is normal for most parents to feel frustrated at one time or another child and get angry. They may speak verbally verbally in these instances and to regret later. That is when these examples become more and more frequent that there is a cause for concern. If you describe you, you learned a more positive meaningful constructive form of discipline for help learning how to control your anger If you feel the explosion you come on yourself Do not forget to give time. Please refrain from saying average, sarcasm or neglect of things to your child. I learned this child. There should not be bad institutions, and teach him a bad behavior in advance.
It is gentleness, respect and kindness, which should be dealt with by the precious gift of the child you remembered. If you express these to your child on a daily basis, you will live to do the same as an adult and learn what grows up.
Tell me about returning the gain connecting children
By respecting your child who can teach what is most important, we will respect the common sense that respects teaching the best way. Respecting the experience of the child, there is no doubt that they understand how.
This "You can say anything."
Respect is an attitude. Respecting helps children to succeed in their lives. It is nearly impossible for them to succeed unless the child has a peer, authority, or point for himself. Respectful children take care of belongings and responsibilities, and children who show respect are in tandem with their peers.
School teaching Children have become respected children from the influence of parents. Until the children pay tribute at home, they are unlikely to show it to other places.
How can I do about the show. In case of abnormality such as contamination of foreign matter is acknowledged. Having trouble, let's enjoy insults. Praise them, listen to your child's story before making a decision about your problem or problem. Politely asking you to do things when using "Please" and "Thank you". I knock before entering your child's room. It can be said that the child who is keeping the promise means the child. And pay full attention to your child.
And most important, tell your child that you get points. Please guide by example and make sure that you imitate behavior that expresses appreciation. Be a law - abiding citizen. Show concern about your environment, animals and other people. We openly and honestly witness rudeness exampled to discuss.
Also teach your children to respect themselves. Self-esteem is one of the most important forms of respect. If we respect ourselves, it is easy to respect others.
They help them set and achieve goals. Encourage honesty, teach that people are making the mistakes and that they are the best way to learn.
Most importantly, admire your child often for good deed, behavior, or trait and tell you that you love at least several times each day. I am receiving you. Can be given.
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