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Hatha Yoga

Hatha Yoga is an ancient Hindu system of work in the human nervous system. It is that as too many 20th century people, including yoga teachers, it is as an exercise for health, mind and body vitality, as it releases tension and gives new energy, but that is also It is far away. Hatha yoga practices are more spiritual than the body, more subtle than the total, understanding than to exotic methods to ease stress and limbs up the body

The wise men who developed Hatha Yoga designed it as a way to consciously control our living energy. For them, it was about living the life of God about the state of consciousness, which was preparation for meditation.

As you do asanas, concentrate on feeling energy within the nerve current. It is sensitive to knowing when the body is long enough to adjust the nerve currents involved in each position. After that, we will move smoothly to the next asana. It is like a dance, intentional, fluid dance. During all postures, use the diaphragm, not the chest muscles, suck. Do not unduly stretch or force the body. Relax to pose. If you can not wonder if you do not understand it is now all perfect. In time, you will find your body more flexible and supple. Liberate thought and tension mind. You are more gentle, living more, more recognized.

There are many complicated Hatha yoga routines that balance these two poses. For the simple purpose of calming the mind to prepare for meditation, this is all you need. For best results, hatha yoga should be taught personally by a qualified teacher These instructions and drawings are meant only as rudimentary aid. For more sophisticated regimens, please contact us at a recognition school specializing in Hatha yoga.

Hatha Yoga's scenes have a spiritual purpose - to balance the physical and physical energy to prepare for meditation. Not only that, we are not for making young beautiful or creative, but let us awaken our enlightened consciousness & know the self within

I got a few minutes

Ina Mirx is 68 years old, appears to be 35 years old, can do with her body can not do with the hands of a 16 year old farm, but she has not fitted all the time.

At the age of 30 during pregnancy, she was forced to jump from the third episode of the burning hotel. She landed on concrete, broke the spine and pelvis, broke a few ribs and lost the child.

Over the next decade Marx tried almost any kind of regimen to rescue herself from this situation. Nothing worked, she eventually reached despair that she tried suicide twice. Then she founded yoga - her rescue.

With a new lease of new confidence and life, she began teaching yoga, and I am writing two books "Yoga and common sense" and "Fitness for ineligibility". "

In her special yoga program, she combines the physical aspects of Hata Yoga and Raja Yoga, a meditative aspect.

Her way is specially designed to reach out to everyone left in high energy dust, modern fitness program

What is most, the best thing about Marcus form of yoga is that a few are stretched out for a few minutes a day - at home or at the office - tunnel

Ina Mirx is 68 years old, appears to be 35 years old, can do with her body can not do with the hands of a 16 year old farm, but she has not fitted all the time.

At the age of 30 during pregnancy, she was forced to jump from the third episode of the burning hotel. She landed on concrete, broke the spine and pelvis, broke a few ribs and lost the child.

Over the next decade Marx tried almost any kind of regimen to rescue herself from this situation. Nothing worked, she eventually reached despair that she tried suicide twice. Then she founded yoga - her rescue.

With a new lease of new confidence and life, she began teaching yoga, and I am writing two books "Yoga and common sense" and "Fitness for ineligibility". "

In her special yoga program, she combines the physical aspects of Hata Yoga and Raja Yoga, a meditative aspect.

Her way is specially designed to reach out to everyone left in high energy dust, modern fitness program

What is most, the best thing about Marcus form of yoga is that a few are stretched out for a few minutes a day - at home or at the office - tunnel

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