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Having a credit card is very convenient as it is unnecessary to carry much cash,

credit card

Having a credit card is very convenient as it is unnecessary to carry much cash, and you also leave your credit card at home But its advantages are its drawbacks. Because we can make it, we invite you to live independently in the vicinity of the cash back and forth without thinking of always wanting to buy things. Because I say money for excellent control. If time management, credit cards, and these pointers help.

Utsuzu ".

First of all, you will get a record of your credit card that has a better idea of ​​your spending. Please double check the error record and check its accuracy. There should be no good examples to find out if there is accuracy of your original and current address list as debt balance.

Credit card rating

Go to your recent credit card record and see interest rates. Promotion with some credit card companies said they provide a lower interest rate for a period of time and since this promotion has already already brought you and some also has very high dues, they charge every year I will take notes on the membership fee. Thinking it will not disappear.

Pay on time

It is important to pay your bills in time, as it can have a negative impact on your credit records and valuation. Also, you can avoid being charged for not paying on time. Mika, I will pay when I forget the credit card company late fee.

Manage your debt

If you confirmed that you have more debt than what is comfortable, thinking ahead, you either repay it or at least have your request to have your debt reduced payment schedule What is done devise a way to pay by much. Rank a card with the highest interest rate. Do not bring in the card Always come up with the temptation.

Chew my thought well

Do not spend more than you can afford, as it says "Do not bite more than you can chew". True, beautiful gold bracelets are fun wearing, but how much you pay monthly. If you are crooked to save money when using your credit card, unnecessary items such as jewelry, the most of your considerations

Priority will bring focus to family assignment

Frequently, family budget is the cause of conflict. In most cases, the primary earner is not always a welcome contract for the rest, will make the final financial decision. Since money is an essential part of family life, families need to achieve agreement on this aspect. In order to maintain peace and harmony, family money is budgeted with a four step cycle.

1. Set your priorities.

Priorities are different from objectives. They tell the future of health and children, which is the aspect of your family's life that you want to set focus as a family. The goal is a specific target that supports priority.

In order of setting priority, please do not put too much because it defeats purpose. Ideally there should be one, but life is not ideal, so 2-3 is reasonable.

Priorities are set and as written, agreed, write them down. Please post a paper that anyone can see to remind you that your family is focusing over the coming years.

2. List under your aim.

Once families set priorities and agree, the next step is to set goals. The goal is a specific and measurable condition that supports priorities when achieved.

To set the goal, both challenges still establish achievable targets. 10-15% of family income is a good savings target for children's future education: stretching yet reachable.

Set as long as family 1-2 Maintain priority for each purpose.

3. The job of your purpose.

After setting your priorities and goals, we will start living by them. All of the family's activities will be linked to those working for your purpose. We will track income and expenditure tracking tools, especially progress of financial goals. The easiest way is to earn notes, list under all costs and income, and put a budget for future spending. There are things investing in computer software and family accountants. Whatever it is, the important thing is to have a system that monitors family performance to achieve the goal.

4. Evaluate the life of your family.

At some point, when you feel like when evaluating your life, please check how your family is doing with your goals. The goals achieved can be checked from the list and new goals can be formulated.

From time to time, in key changes, say carrier movement, or when family disappears, it may be time to reevaluate priorities. When such a time comes, that cycle will begin.

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