The hernia is an abnormal protrusion of internal organs through an abnormal opening in the wall of the cavity. The combination of increased pressure in the body of weakness of the wall is responsible for this condition. In this state internal organs and organs, lifting the cough and weight, forming a swelling to increase the size, protruding and passing feces and urine. In the lying position, the swelling is squeezed and enters inside except for irreparable hernia.
Small tits. : -
1 body weakness of the wall: -
a) Congenital weakness.
b) Injury, muscle wasting, suppurative lesion of the wall, presence of weak natural opening, obesity, lack of exercise, weakened by repeated pregnancy.
c) Sepsis with inadequate sutures or sepsis in the operated place.
2) Increased pressure in the body.
a) Chronic constipation.
b) Recurrent cough.
c) Weightlifting.
d) narrowing of the urethra.
Common location for hernia: -
A hernia can occure anywhere in the body. But there are some common site hernias. It is not normally affected by the presence of hard bones covering the chest wall. Lumbar hernia is also rare for spinal and back muscles and tough ligaments and sheeths. A common site for hernia is the abdominal wall. Compared with the other parts, the abdominal wall is weak due to the presence of some natural openings. There are areas where the abdominal muscles are weaker and thinner, all these factors make a chance for herniation. A common site for hernia is next.
a) Inguinal hernia:
Here, the contents of the abdomen protrude through the inguinal canal (the passage of the lower abdominal wall just above the inguinal ligament). It can be seen on both sides). This type is common in men. At first, the swelling occurs only while being nervous and returns while lying down. Later on the large part of the intestine may come out may not come back easily.
b) Femoral hernia:
There are more women than this type of hernia. Here the contents of the abdomen pass through the femoral canal just seen under the connection point between the thigh and the lower abdominal wall (in the biceps femoris). The contents pass downward, exit through the saphenous vein opening in the thigh, and form swelling under the skin.
c) Umbilical hernia:
This is common in children. The umbilicus is a weak part of the abdomen. The contents of the abdomen cry out as bulbs bulging and may protrude while defecating.
d) incisional hernia:
These hernias can be seen on the activated sites. Sites that are inappropriately sutured or activated due to sepsis will weaken after ending with a hernia.
e) Upper abdominal hernia:
Here, harmonization occurs in the upper abdomen. It is a rare type.
f) Lumbar hernia:
Here, the hernia appears on the waist on both sides of the lumbar vertebra (with a waist triangle). This is also a rare type.
g) closed hernia:
This is a rare type of hernia. Here the contents pass through the obturator foramen of the pelvic bone.
Complications of hernia: -
1) Strangling:
If the hernia opening is narrow, the contents of the abdomen do not return easily, and the blood flow to the herniated tissues may subsequently be blocked due to stenosis. This death protruding intestines.
2) Intestinal obstruction:
This is occures when the whole part of the intestine protrudes into the herniated sac. The narrow hernia opening hinders the passage of the intestines.
3) Infection and peritonitis:
If there is strangulation of the death of the part of the intestine, there is spread of infection in the abdomen after finishing with peritonitis.
Treatment of hernia: -
Initial treatment: In the initial phase of hernia, the following steps may be useful
1) Use of a hernia belt:
A special type of hernial belt is available for each type of heania. This prevents protrusions and reduces pain.
2) ect of constipation, recurrent cough, urinary disturbance should be treated.
3) The decrease in fat increases the strength of the abdominal wall.
4) To increase the muscle tone of the abdominal muscles.
5) Take leafy vegetables, fruit and fibrous diet for plenty of easy bowel movements.
6) Try other systems like Homoeopathy, herbal medicine and ect
The rescue by the above steps should consult a general surgeon for surgical management.
Surgical treatment.
Depending on the type and nature of the hernia, the following procedures are performed.
1) hernia laparotomy: In this operation, the contents of the hernia capsule are pushed by the abdomen, the neck of the capsule is ligated with the transfixion ligature, and the capsule is cut off.
2) Hernia suture: Here the rear wall is repaired with hernia resection.
3) Hernia: This operation is done when the hernia resection is impossible due to the wide neck of the sac. Here repair is done with healp of non-absorbent material like tantalum gauze, polypropylene net or stainless steel net.
Food poisoning
Food poisoning is acute gastroenteritis caused by consumption of foods and pathogens, drinks containing toxins and toxic chemicals. Food poisoning is common in hostels, hotels, co-feeding, and festival seasons.
A group of people gives a history of common food consumption before a few hours, with the same type of signs and influences.
Types of food poisoning
1) Bacterial food poisoning:
Here, it is caused by microorganisms called bacteria. Food materials may contain pathogenic bacteria or toxins and are ingested with food.
2) Non-bacterial food poisoning:
Due to the presence of toxic chemicals like fertilizers, insectisides, heavy metals and ect.
Bacterial food poisoning is common, so it is discussed here.
Bacterial food poisoning:
All bacteria are not harmful. There are several pathogenic bacteria that secrete toxins and cause clinical symptoms. These creatures enter the human body through food articles and drinks.
How food poisoning occurs:
1) The presence of bacteria in water.
2) The ingredients for food may contain toxins.
3) The premise that food is prepared may include microorganisms or toxins.
4) Food handlers may have certain infections.
5) Some animals like dog, rat may pollute food.
6) Prepared food is kept at room temperature for a long time and once you are heated again you can make a chance for food poisoning.
7) Body that intentionally mixes food toxins.
Some common bacterial food poisoning.
1) Salmonella food poisoning:
There are three different varieties of Salmonella. (Salmonella nera tuff murium, Salmonella cholera suis, Salmonella enteritidis) These bacteria are present in milk, dairy products and eggs. Symptoms of this food poisoning include nausea, vomiting, diarrhea. Fever is also common.
2) Botulism intoxication:
This is a dangerous type of food poisoning caused by Clostridium botulinum. Spores of these organisms are found in the soil and enter the human body through pickles and canned fish. Here compared to other food poisoning vomiting and diarrhea, the nervous system is affected mainly by the rare. Symptoms begin with double vision, weakness and numbness. There are paralyzes with cardiac and death breathing that will later end with death.
3) Staphylococcal food poisoning:
It is caused by Staphylococcus aureus. These creatures boil down like ordinary cause skin trouble, erupt. Cow to mastitis causing cause. Through milk and dairy products it causes enders, gastroenteritis. I have cramps in the abdomen of vomiting, diarrhea.
4) Clostridial food poisoning:
This is due to Clostridium perflingen They are present in feces, soil and water. They enter the body, meat, meat dish and egg ect. If you cook food items and keep it at room temperature for a long time and you are heated before eating again you can bring this food poisoning. Symptoms include vomiting, diarrhea and abdominal cramps.
5) Bacillus cereus:
Spores of these organisms can withstand cooking and cause enteritis. Diarrhea and vomiting are common in this infection.
How to investigate food poisoning?
1) will examine each affected person.
2) The water samples should be tested.
3) Kitchen, shop room and food samples should be inspected.
4) Cook and food handlers should be questioned and inspected.
5) All victims' vomiting and stool samples should be tested to identify bacteria.
How to prevent food poisoning: -
1) Only clean water should be used.
2) Do everyone who should be sanitary.
3) Workers should use masks, hats and gloves during cooking and serving.
4) Sick individuals should not come in contact with food materials.
5) Kitchen
5) The container should be cleaned with soap and hot water.
6) should not keep food prepared for a long time at room temperature.
7) All food materials should be kept in closed containers.
8) Animals like dogs, cats, rat ect should not be in contact with food materials.
9) Vegetables need to be cleaned before cooking.
10) Meat should be purchased from a new, confirmed slaughterhouse.
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