, the human brain itself, which the brain evolved from the skull momentarily by a crash myself, the whole, after death It was in front of me within three minutes. It breathed out the spirit's odor most clearly, and its membrane and fine structure were extremely blood vessels. It seemed recently that it was infused with vermillion. The cerebral white matter interspersed with red spots could hardly be distinguished, it was covered with the natural whiteness, when it was incised, and the brain
I suspect that this condition was extended through both the cerebrum and cerebellum cerebrum and cerebellum, but not so pronounced in the medulla or the beginning of the spinal cord
Spinal cord and nerve.
The action of alcohol continues beyond the first phase and affects the function of the spinal cord. Through this part of the nervous system, we are accustomed to do automatic actions of healthy, mechanical type. While his mind bends to some other subjects, thus skilled artisans will continue his mechanical work altogether; therefore, we are all acting purely in various acts Do not run the help of the Higashi Center, suspended these purely automatic acts, affected by the spinal column center as alcohol under something that normally requires something their service It is what you are doing. Any objects or feet on this side of the hand are correctly planted and the Kochi center method is called to ensure progress. There will soon follow this inadequate power of muscle movement adjustment. Certain nervous controls of the muscles are lost and nervous stimuli are more or less enfeebled. The muscles of the lower lip of a human subject are firstly unsuccessful, then the muscles of the lower limbs fail, the extension muscles extend faster than the flexors. They are under the influence of paralytic medicine too, their structure was temporarily confused and their contractile power declined.
This alteration of animal function under alcohol indicates a second degree of its action. Young subjects usually have vomiting, and then the burden of poison is gradually reduced.
Effect on the center of the brain.
The alcohol spirit still carried a further degree, the brain and brain centers will be affected; they are under power, and these centers of control influence and determination of will will be unbalanced and confused A reasonable part of the human nature, as it is thrown into, gives way before the emotional passional or organic part. The reason is now out of obligation, or obliged, and mere animal instincts and emotions are all barely naked. Cowards show more cravn Braggart boasts more brutal, cruel, more ruthless, false, more fake, more degraded carnal desire. "Vino veritas" expresses to physiological correctness, true condition, absolutely. The reasons, emotions, instincts are all in the state of a carnival and are in a chaotic weakness.
Finally, still the action of extended alcohol, the excellent brain center is overwhelmed, the sensation is beclouded, the voluntary muscle weakness is completed, the sensibility is lost, the body all the mind is still in that duty It is faithful to it, while it lives by itself, it supplies breathing power. And so circulation and respiration, in another way inert masses, poisons will begin to cross mass in the naked area of life and keep to the nervous center to restore again. It is a different day for that death so, for that reason, in principle, the brain is too long before the mind that the power to continue his process of destruction until he acts of death in his circulation is also meaningless.
Introduction to Homeopathy
Homeopathy is a medical system introduced by German doctor Samuel - Hahnemann. He was an allopathic doctor who basically left practice for side effects and temporary relief of symptoms of allopathy. For his bread and butter he started translating medical books into different languages. While he translated cullen 's materia medica, he came across a herbal medicine called cinchona. It is written that Cinchona can cure malaria and cause symptoms similar to malaria to healthy people. This point, Hahnemann clicked on the brain, he took the shoots of the kina bark and prepared himself the extract of the kina. To my surprise, he developed symptoms of malaria like coldness and pain. He started doing the same experiment of different individuals and the result was the same.
By this experiment hahnemann can produce a set of symptoms of healthy humbeing that every medication used to cure similar symptoms of sick people He gives cinchona to various malaria patients and as a result It was wonderful, a system called homeopathy was born. The word homoea is a similar meaning. The basic principle of homeopathy means "similia similibus curantur" like treatment. Hahnemann used alcohol as a vehicle to prepare several other drugs, started experiments at different age groups, and pointed out the symptoms that occurred therein. Almost 30 drugs and certified signs proved were systematically noted. Signs collected by proof of medication were classified in the order of the form of the book indicated as materia medica pura.
Hahnemann noticed that by diluting the substances of herbal medicine in the spirit, dynamic force develops and causes the symptoms of healthy people. Hahnemann applied the principles of similia similibus curantur and began giving treatment to sick people with the medicine he prepared and got a nice cure and homeopathy began to spread all over the world
He gave medicine to some patients and noticed that the symptoms returned again. So I understood that he should treat the cause of the disease. Afterwards, experiments and diseases that I want to observe are actively used as power that actually occurs, and it is miasms. [psora, syphilis, syphilis] He noticed that these minuses should be eradicated using similar dynamic forces to completely cure the person. This idea leads to anti-myias medicine, a medicine with sickness, and creates a force that resembles miasm. He developed an anti-inflammatory medicine and found a wonderful therapy for experimentation on sick people
Homeopathy development
The principle of homeopathy is written in the form of a book, he named it an organon of medicine. Lateron He began publishing these works and six editions of organon were published. From the beginning of homeopathy, many doctors of other systems started working on homeopathy. But those who opposed homeopathy began to know the truth behind the homeopathy and began to practice the same thing. Doctors like Dr J T Kent, Dr Hering, Boenonghausen ector followed the mission of Professor Hahnemann and developed the system. By Hahneman who started to prepare somany other drugs based on all given guidlines. Physicians have come to know it by diluting drug substances mentally in a systematic way that the drug's power is increasing even as the amount of drug decreases. Because the disease is due to a dynamic cause, the medication has also undergone a process called potentiation at the different levels of dynamic.By potentiency called the same medicine. They found that by increasing the efficacy, the penetration of the drug increases and acts at a higher level than the usual substance form used in other systems. This unique nature of homeopathic medicine, but a wonderful cure for mental illness.
General principle
Homeopathy treats sick individuals as a whole rather than treating diseased parts and organs. The physical, mental, emotional, social realm of a person is considered for permanent healing. This system believes that illness is caused by disturbance of vitality, which is an invisible power of every individual. In a healthy state, life force maintains the equilibrium of the body and soul of the mind. There are ordinary sense and function among these people. External symptoms appear in the form of signs and symptoms when life force is affected. The imbalance body function makes evacuation centers for forign organisms (bacteria, viruses, fungi, ectoons of the protozoan gates) so that they grow and produce so-called diseases. Homeopathy believes that real desease will come before bacteria & virus, so the underlying cause of the illness must be treated for permanent treatment. Antibacterial and antiviral agents eliminate only the above secondary causes.
, the human brain itself, which the brain evolved from the skull momentarily by a crash myself, the whole, after death It was in front of me within three minutes. It breathed out the spirit's odor most clearly, and its membrane and fine structure were extremely blood vessels. It seemed recently that it was infused with vermillion. The cerebral white matter interspersed with red spots could hardly be distinguished, it was covered with the natural whiteness, when it was incised, and the brain
I suspect that this condition was extended through both the cerebrum and cerebellum cerebrum and cerebellum, but not so pronounced in the medulla or the beginning of the spinal cord
Spinal cord and nerve.
The action of alcohol continues beyond the first phase and affects the function of the spinal cord. Through this part of the nervous system, we are accustomed to do automatic actions of healthy, mechanical type. While his mind bends to some other subjects, thus skilled artisans will continue his mechanical work altogether; therefore, we are all acting purely in various acts Do not run the help of the Higashi Center, suspended these purely automatic acts, affected by the spinal column center as alcohol under something that normally requires something their service It is what you are doing. Any objects or feet on this side of the hand are correctly planted and the Kochi center method is called to ensure progress. There will soon follow this inadequate power of muscle movement adjustment. Certain nervous controls of the muscles are lost and nervous stimuli are more or less enfeebled. The muscles of the lower lip of a human subject are firstly unsuccessful, then the muscles of the lower limbs fail, the extension muscles extend faster than the flexors. They are under the influence of paralytic medicine too, their structure was temporarily confused and their contractile power declined.
This alteration of animal function under alcohol indicates a second degree of its action. Young subjects usually have vomiting, and then the burden of poison is gradually reduced.
Effect on the center of the brain.
The alcohol spirit still carried a further degree, the brain and brain centers will be affected; they are under power, and these centers of control influence and determination of will will be unbalanced and confused A reasonable part of the human nature, as it is thrown into, gives way before the emotional passional or organic part. The reason is now out of obligation, or obliged, and mere animal instincts and emotions are all barely naked. Cowards show more cravn Braggart boasts more brutal, cruel, more ruthless, false, more fake, more degraded carnal desire. "Vino veritas" expresses to physiological correctness, true condition, absolutely. The reasons, emotions, instincts are all in the state of a carnival and are in a chaotic weakness.
Finally, still the action of extended alcohol, the excellent brain center is overwhelmed, the sensation is beclouded, the voluntary muscle weakness is completed, the sensibility is lost, the body all the mind is still in that duty It is faithful to it, while it lives by itself, it supplies breathing power. And so circulation and respiration, in another way inert masses, poisons will begin to cross mass in the naked area of life and keep to the nervous center to restore again. It is a different day for that death so, for that reason, in principle, the brain is too long before the mind that the power to continue his process of destruction until he acts of death in his circulation is also meaningless.
Introduction to Homeopathy
Homeopathy is a medical system introduced by German doctor Samuel - Hahnemann. He was an allopathic doctor who basically left practice for side effects and temporary relief of symptoms of allopathy. For his bread and butter he started translating medical books into different languages. While he translated cullen 's materia medica, he came across a herbal medicine called cinchona. It is written that Cinchona can cure malaria and cause symptoms similar to malaria to healthy people. This point, Hahnemann clicked on the brain, he took the shoots of the kina bark and prepared himself the extract of the kina. To my surprise, he developed symptoms of malaria like coldness and pain. He started doing the same experiment of different individuals and the result was the same.
By this experiment hahnemann can produce a set of symptoms of healthy humbeing that every medication used to cure similar symptoms of sick people He gives cinchona to various malaria patients and as a result It was wonderful, a system called homeopathy was born. The word homoea is a similar meaning. The basic principle of homeopathy means "similia similibus curantur" like treatment. Hahnemann used alcohol as a vehicle to prepare several other drugs, started experiments at different age groups, and pointed out the symptoms that occurred therein. Almost 30 drugs and certified signs proved were systematically noted. Signs collected by proof of medication were classified in the order of the form of the book indicated as materia medica pura.
Hahnemann noticed that by diluting the substances of herbal medicine in the spirit, dynamic force develops and causes the symptoms of healthy people. Hahnemann applied the principles of similia similibus curantur and began giving treatment to sick people with the medicine he prepared and got a nice cure and homeopathy began to spread all over the world
He gave medicine to some patients and noticed that the symptoms returned again. So I understood that he should treat the cause of the disease. Afterwards, experiments and diseases that I want to observe are actively used as power that actually occurs, and it is miasms. [psora, syphilis, syphilis] He noticed that these minuses should be eradicated using similar dynamic forces to completely cure the person. This idea leads to anti-myias medicine, a medicine with sickness, and creates a force that resembles miasm. He developed an anti-inflammatory medicine and found a wonderful therapy for experimentation on sick people
Homeopathy development
The principle of homeopathy is written in the form of a book, he named it an organon of medicine. Lateron He began publishing these works and six editions of organon were published. From the beginning of homeopathy, many doctors of other systems started working on homeopathy. But those who opposed homeopathy began to know the truth behind the homeopathy and began to practice the same thing. Doctors like Dr J T Kent, Dr Hering, Boenonghausen ector followed the mission of Professor Hahnemann and developed the system. By Hahneman who started to prepare somany other drugs based on all given guidlines. Physicians have come to know it by diluting drug substances mentally in a systematic way that the drug's power is increasing even as the amount of drug decreases. Because the disease is due to a dynamic cause, the medication has also undergone a process called potentiation at the different levels of dynamic.By potentiency called the same medicine. They found that by increasing the efficacy, the penetration of the drug increases and acts at a higher level than the usual substance form used in other systems. This unique nature of homeopathic medicine, but a wonderful cure for mental illness.
General principle
Homeopathy treats sick individuals as a whole rather than treating diseased parts and organs. The physical, mental, emotional, social realm of a person is considered for permanent healing. This system believes that illness is caused by disturbance of vitality, which is an invisible power of every individual. In a healthy state, life force maintains the equilibrium of the body and soul of the mind. There are ordinary sense and function among these people. External symptoms appear in the form of signs and symptoms when life force is affected. The imbalance body function makes evacuation centers for forign organisms (bacteria, viruses, fungi, ectoons of the protozoan gates) so that they grow and produce so-called diseases. Homeopathy believes that real desease will come before bacteria & virus, so the underlying cause of the illness must be treated for permanent treatment. Antibacterial and antiviral agents eliminate only the above secondary causes.
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