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How much is it?

Should your child go five days a week for football practice? There are three days.
Is it okay? It is common for parents to get confused a bit when it comes to
See how after school activities, there are too many decisions how much.
They claim that most activities are fun (
Research), children simply wrap these classes. But too much fun
You can also make a child sick. Here's a simple guide to help you
Let's do it.

Discipline His or her after school life must be simple and comfortable.
Tsutsu niece "Tsubu" bonds Tsutsu once child
Look for more challenging activities like calm, music programs.

Grade 1:
Tsutsu niece "Tsuzu" Tsu Tsu Tsu Tsu tsu tsu tsutsu tsutsu tsutsua
Recommended. Avoid competitive sports activities. Children still too
You need to worry about young victory and losing. After the severity of
At a junior high school, he or she needs a healthy outlet for accumulated energy.
Physical activity and noncompetitive sports are perfect for this age.

Grade 2:
Your child's activity is sufficiently old to express his or her opinion on any activity
Desired sports, skating, swimming and computers - manipulating him for things
He likes Many kids will begin lesson lesson around here
Even at age, relax with a part of your child "in"
And just whatever he wishes.

Grade 3:
Socialization will start the center stage. Team sports is a good choice.
Development of exercise capacity, paintings, drawing and so on are also good. Let's tell a child
Exploring fields of interest. But if you keep enough time for your family
For fun activities.

Grade 4:
At this age, the child will tell you what he likes. He must get up
It involves activities that boost his confidence. This is also helpful
He will manage stress as this is the time social pressure is beginning.
Build. But please be careful of homework devils. Depending on the needs of children
His research. There is a very good balance between other activities and the work of his school
It is important.

Grade 5:
The fifth grade will be bubbled with energy and you will just want to do it
About all. But she or he can push research conveniently
background. Therefore, strict supervision is necessary. Keep one or two days of free for
Family time and other activities. Now is a wonderful time to get your kid
Interested in community service.

Middle School:
Keep him away from the TV. Engage him in strengthening activities
Learning. To promote improvement of academic performance preteen
Girls like participating clubs / boy scouts Program club clubs chess
Clubs etc. As a thumb rule, you need to be in the 16-20 hour week of extra activity
More than enough. But see the sign of burnout.

You should choose for your child and how long he will work with it
It is basically determined by the temperament of children. As a parent, you
Feed closely observe your children and feed from
Child himself.

Valid after school activities

There are so many activities on offering there, when each looks as good
Next, how do you evaluate these values ​​and effectiveness
Activity? I really want activities that juniors enjoy. But we really
Can not afford to waste time due to joy? there
There must be a grain of gold somewhere. List below
Characteristics that good things must possess after school activities.

Clarity of purpose and purpose is the first important matter. what
Course offer? How do you propose to achieve results? How many
Does the child make up the batch? ask a question. After all, when you dish
The fabric needs to understand what you truly are doing.

Provide lots of opportunities for good after school activities
Young to raise the level of understanding of complex concepts. this is
Recreational activities are also similar Throw balls, or learn dancing
Tuning - Regardless of the activities involved, the child will be
And encouraged to conquer new concepts. Not only this,
By challenging a child, not only bored at bay, but built him
Confidence. Development of academic, personal and social skills
One of the main objectives of after school activities. As skills develop,
Children's self-esteem also increases.

After school activities are about raising the feelings of all children
Well well and effective after school activities promote
To encourage young people to resilience and strongly grow, to do it spiritually,
Emotionally or physically.

Safety is one of the first requirements after school activities. this
The staff should be qualified and careful. Fancy child
Program that is not a matter of safety, but the problem of accidents
Priority Hotel policy
Relationship with children. Therefore, the program
Professional and trained staff who love to talk with children. this
The program has a cooperative and supportive attitude
Structured environment. In contrast, participation and collaboration
Competition and conflict must be encouraged.

Some programs, children plan activities,
Adults often forget the child's opinion. By
Give the children the opportunity to express their views and the program
Fun activity motivated for children to participate. Young people
They can prosper, respect and contribute when listening to
Their mites.

Evaluation of routines is an important part after school programs. .
Children do not benefit from classes and do not waste time
Overly optimistic. Try a new one

Here, for the activity of the last school you are doing now
Children But we must not forget that enjoying is an important part
Growth. Children deserve a few hours of pure pleasure. Remember,
All work and no play, ... ....


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