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The true essence of a woman

This article focuses on the legacy left by Princess Diana. It says that she was a princess but she still experienced some problems experienced by ordinary people.

Small tits. :
Dealing with stress and anxiety, social unrest, anxiety

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"Rather than trying to help the most vulnerable people in society, nothing brings happiness to me, it is a goal and an essential part of my life, those who suffer call me, They will run no matter where they are. - Princess Diana

Almost a decade ago the princess died. She was a woman, a loving mother, and a philanthropist. Many believed that she was an angel sent to warm the weak and the heart of the poor. She was an inspiration for victims of poverty, illness, discrimination, and homelessness. Her name was Princess Diana, Wales. There is a long, brilliant list of princesses in England and the rest of the world. , None of these royal women still took what Princess Diana had achieved

What was it that brought tears to people around the world after her death in 1997? Was it her beauty? Her acts? Or her heritage?

She left a heritage remembered for a very long time. She was included in the most influential people of the 100 th century in Time magazine for her charity. Diana used her influential position in a campaign against the use of landmines scattered around the world. These mines have been found in many developing countries. The cause gained her Nobel Peace Prize in 1997. She also helped to reduce discrimination against AIDS victims who experience social unrest. Indeed, she was the first celebrity shot with people infected with HIV.

As a princess, Diana was probably one of the richest, most attractive and socially powerful women in the world. Despite these attributes, she was also a victim. Diana was often a troublesome subject of rumors in tabloid scenes. Paparazzi is always in the limelight where everything she went, always taking away her of privacy which is very important for people and persistently persecently identifying her for her highly publicized divorce Unhappy married woman Charles Prince in 1996. It was called "the end of a ten year love story", or "the end of a" fairy tale marriage ". "

August 31, 1997, the world was shocked to hear the news about Princess Diana's death.The report clearly shows the princess's car bike when it struck the pillar in the highway tunnel He was pursued by the house. The car on which she was riding hit the wall and left injured with her lover Dodi Al Fayed and the driver Henry Paul. He died of the wound he received at that terrible incident
In case
Princess Diana's death, for many people, realized that people around the world share the same pain and sorrow, regardless of their state of existence. .. All human beings will die for beginners - intermediate people. She became inspired by the people of all walks of life. Her story was about a wealthy and loved woman, a princess who was sending a life of stress and anxiety. Even if she was a princess surrounded by luxury and wealth, she was able to have sympathy for poor people and humility. Because she showed the same kind of loneliness and despair felt by ordinary humans, people from all walks of life could also be related to her Her life deals with anxiety It became easy to become a channel. Her compassion and good heart made her more beautiful in the eyes of the world.

Princess Diana is a symbol of a true woman of this century. The essence of a woman is not measured by the beauty she has. A smile she carries or by physique she displays. The real essence of a woman is her ability to share her love with other people and the community she lives in. Women do not have to adapt to beauty contests or kitchens. The task has just begun as it needs to be done far.

Tsutsu niece "Tsutsu" Tsubu

Tsutsu niece "Tsu" Tsu Tsu Tsu Tsu tsu tsu tsu tsu tsu tsu tsutsu tsutsu tsutsu tsuzutsu. Who has not seen a short-handed classic movie? But who were those men who brought caustic brands of physical comedy to our living room and theater?

We know them all as Curly, Larry and Moe, but when they first started in 1922, they are Ted * Healy and his Stooges (Originally Ted * Healy

The ensemble consisted of Ted He. .

Small tits. :
Three Stocking, Curly, Larry, Moe, Slap Comedy, Physical Comedy

Article body:
Tsutsu niece "Tsu" Tsu Tsu Tsu Tsu tsu tsu tsu tsu tsu tsu tsutsu tsutsu tsutsu tsuzutsu. Who has not seen a short-handed classic movie? But who were those men who brought caustic brands of physical comedy to our living room and theater?

We know them all as Curly, Larry and Moe, but when they first started in 1922, they are Ted * Healy and his Stooges (Originally Ted * Healy

It is Ted Healy of the ensemble, so my brother Harry - Moses - Howard (Moe), Samuel - Howard (Shemp) rally (rally). In 1931, Shemp left a group for careers in feature films and needed a third stooge, Moe proposed his brother Jerome. Ted is not fascinated by his long hair and facial hair, he said (Jerome) is not a character like Moe and Larry. Jerome leaves the room, returned immediately with a shaved head, face and curly, we were born, as we know him.

In his autobiography, Howard and Three Stooges, Stooges and Ted Healy divided the company in 1934, as Moe recalled, because of the abrasiveness and alcoholism of Healy. This is when they began Colombian photographic film careers, as most of us know, we have started a long trip to the history of comedy.

From 1934 to 1959, Thirsty Guess starred in 190 film shorts. They also appeared in dozens of movies, embracing millions of catch phrases, physical routines and stunning comedy all over the world.

In 1946 the curly hair suffered a blow and Shemp was asked to join the group again. Knowing that Moe and Larry's career and Stooges are over he agreed to rejoin the group unwillingly, but only temporarily. Unfortunately, Curly never recovered and died in the month of 1952.

Stooges with Shemp appeared in addition to Curly, in addition to 77 short films and feature films called Gold Raiders (1951). In addition, in 1949, Moe, Larry, Shemp made a pilot of the Three Stooges television program called "Dynamism of all transactions". Tanashi, the public domain to the pilot is home video.

The three Storage dynasty took another hit when Shemp Howard died in a sudden heart attack at the age of 60 in the month of 1955. Joe Besser replaced Shemp in 1956, appeared in 57, 16 short films. Interestingly, the jawed clause banned his contract specifically, so as not to strip off their hits, it was too much time to float. Unfortunately, the market for Short Film and Stooges is gone. Columbia photos, still producing short films The last studio fired three Stooges in 1957. (Due to contractual obligations and backlog, the final Stooge shortfall was not released until 1959). New media, television, had been taken over.

Stooges was not due to Stooges' s "regeneration" as soon as it came. In 1959, Columbia photos syndicated the whole 3 Stooges film library on TV and Stooges was rediscovered by baby boomers generation.

Stoogemania soon swept the country, Moe and Larry returned to the spotlight again and discovered himself. But Joe Besser's wife had a heart attack, acts withdrew from the act, so Moe soon signed Joe DeRita as his replacement. As he looked like the original curly, DeRita shaved his head and became Curly Joe.

This version of Sleeve Toe made 39 short films and several full length films in the late 1950s in the 1960s. In 1969 they took pilots of a new TV series called "Kook's Tour". Alas, during production, Larry received a stroke that ended the television series as well as his acting career. Larry struggled with another stroke in 1974, after another month a fatal stroke was received and died in the month of 1975.

This was deceased to Howard, Ministry of the Environment in consideration of multiple movie ideas in 1975. Curly Joe (Joe DeRita) did a living work with a new group of "Stooges" in the early 1970s, As we knew, we went Three Stooges.

This has been an overview of long careers, and the phenomenon is still three Stooges. With the advent of cable television, home video, dvd, faithful fans' faithful army, Three Stooges is still entertaining the masses and will last for years.

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