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How to do it, streaming audio through sales

Many investigations have proved that the radio is a good medium for product advertisements. People listen to the radio for entertainment and usually can listen to the latest music and favorite radio programs. Advertisements related to products and services are played during the program.

Over the years, this has become a trend of advertisement. But now that the radio media is almost behind the audio visual media, the television, and the Internet, other marketing strategies,

That is the advantage of using music on the website is discovered. The previous music is the Internet or download form mp3. By hosting downloadable music on their servers, the company gained a lot of traffic at their site. And to all those engaged in the internet market know the website is playing a big role in the traffic of selling merchandise - service.

However, artists, musicians and record companies have had problems with downloading illegal music that has lost millions of income.

Then popular internet music streaming. Unlike, it is a streaming download of music files for radio. This will protect copyright artists and label owners.

So, what should I do? There are several ways to do this, but this time we will assume audio from the stream. At first, streams are radio programs from sites and blogs. At the site you can stream from free radio programs to free program.

What does this mean to you? A new audio content will visit this site. It does not matter what content is updated.

In this case, you just need to register and embed links as Internet radio stations on blogs and websites.

Another way is to stream mp3. To do this, just upload mp3files to the server and add a file link to the page. If you click the link, the browser opens the media player screen and is the file. However, since the file is in mp3 format, it can be downloaded. It is illegal to download music files without the permission of the copyright owner. Therefore, if you use this type of streaming, make sure you have the appropriate permissions.

Thirdly additional audio is posted on Blogs and websites and is an organization's playlist through stream music. M3u playlist playback is offline if the file downloads, music. Using this process, however, it may take time and effort. Here is a short instruction on how to do it.

1. Save the Mp3 or wma file on the server. If the file exists on a different server and you know the link to that file, you can skip this step. Make sure there is a link.mp3 or .wma extension.

2. Open a text editor and enter the file path. Include Http: // and file extension. Repeat this step until all the links to the files you want to include in the playlist are included.

3. Save the playlist and m3u extension.

4. Upload m3u file directory hosting music files or server.

5. Open the Html editor and embed the link to the m3u file. This also allows you to set the volume level of the playlist to autoplay if someone visits your site if your visitors want to control the music playback.

The code is embedded in the html file, and each time you access the site, the songs in the playlist are buffered, streamed, and played one after the other. If you want to play songs to multiple songs in the playlist, the user controls sending or returning playlist media player.

It belongs to many sites for setup work here. You can customize this type of musical flow guidance on the site. It is recognition of products for sound related products that can also enjoy interaction with them.

It requires knowledge of html. If there was a way to increase the best ask for cooperation on the site of transportation. Ultimately, having the audio part of the website is a proven way to enhance sales.

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