Millions of houses Now, photography
machine. Some operators are strictly amateur, but other operators
But, it is very inexpensive, photography professional work for fun
If you own a camera and you can take reasonably good photos,
Sales according to hobbies that it can be done
The photo market is phenomenal. It is estimated
Magazines and newspapers will purchase over 600,000 photos a year,
Most pictures are taken by experts
Photographers have a good deal of non-professional enthusiasts
Make a good extra income to sell your photos to specialty
The market is known for most of most people.
Please help us to find these information and put it on the market
Assuming you are already taking a picture, a picture
If you feel that you can improve your work sold out,
The number of courses available, you can also develop
Professional contact and technical know-how by simply joining
To a specialized magazine.
Believe in the market for your sales
Pictures, and numbers are growing every day.
Beginners should avoid already crowded markets
A professional competitor, such as a very well-known magazine,
Obviously we deal only with experts.
The best markets for non experts are as follows
* Industry magazine,
* Special interest magazines,
*real estate,
* Small local paper.
Maintain constants by consuming large amounts of photographs
When the demand is full, well-known magazines,
They avoid specialized and industrial competition
Photographers, and mainly purchased from non-professional like like
Feature a special interest magazine attracting magazines
reader. For example, magazines on hobbies, sports, horticulture,
Etc .. They are purchased on subscription or newstands.
The trade journal is directed by a very special expert,
For trading in general please use only sales.
First, we recommend you to obtain a book
Professional photography from your local library. This step
You can get used to copyright laws and special tips
To sell your photos.
Beginning photographer should focus on the subject
For example, familiar with special hobby, what is he enjoying
Whether it is landscape, children, animals, shooting most,
You can select magazines like market
I am interested in your work.
The next guide is a sample of companies in the market
For photos. As the directory current as expected to be unable to keep
Companies always change policies, addresses, editors
Such. It will be up to you to develop your own market
Believe that you are appropriate for the editor and submit photos
needs. The fee after the address was displayed paid more
Depending on the value of the news temporary subjects
The quality of accepted photos.
Pictures of interests in general news and features Syndicate:
* Service, Box 2801, Washington, DC 200113
$ 40 to $ 10.
* Newsweek International Service, 444 Madison Avenue. , NY 10022
Up to $ 20. * Transworld news
* Stock Photo Unlimited, 29W 38th St NY, NY 10018
$ 40 to $ 10.
Featured magazines interested in photos:
* New Times magazine, 1 Park Avenue, New York. 1 0016
$ 50 and up
* Popular photos, 1 Park Avenue, NY, NY. 1 0016
Up to $ 30.
* National En campus, Lantana, Florida 33464
$ 150 to $ 35.
Sports magazine
* Fishing world, 51 Atlantic Aveu, Pk of flowers, New York 11001
$ 30 and up
* Tennis illustration, 4222 campus drive, Newport Beach, CA 92660.
* Golf Digest, 495 WESTport Ave. , Norwalk CT 06856
Up with $ 15.
Trade journal:
* Amtrak, 400 Capital Cents, Nw Washington, DC 20001
$ 35 and up.
* Track talk, 2205 W Fairview Avenue. , Montgomery, Al 36092
Family life and natural magazines:
* National Wildlife, 225E Michigan, Milwaukee, WI 53201
Up to $ 50.
* Cat magazine, Box 557 Washington, Pennsylvania 15301
$ 30 to $ 10.
* Good Housekeeping, 959 Advent. New York 1 0019
Farm life magazine:
* Mother Earth news, box 70 pollution, NC. 28739
Up to $ 50.
* Vegetarian Times, Box 3104, Chicago, Illinois 60690
Up to $ 20.
Magazines of hobbies and crafts:
* Science Digest, 224 W 57th St New York, NY 10019
$ 60 to $ 25.
* Popular electronics, 1 Park Avenue, NY, NY. 10016
Greeting card delivery:
* American greetings, 10500 America Rd. Cleveland 44144
Up to $ 30.
* Graphic adventure, 9801 Harwin, Bldg O, Houston, Texas. 77036
& 60 and up.
Selling photos with simple equipment,
Of course, I use your own special accessories!
After choosing the field you want to specialize
Find some magazines related to your specialty and what do you study
The type of picture the editor is buying. General description of
Image requirements are often listed in the magazine. You Can
Also, please look at the pictures used in previous problems and look it up.
As a matter of examining the photographs of submission only
Things used.
I will send your picture to the magazine image editor by
Publication itself or directory
If there is a publication of the exchange journal of your local library
It is not sold in newstands.
If you are a beginner, please start providing standard black and white
Because they are actually, selling is easier Print,
Things that have the largest market.
Here's how you sell something that was created for beauty:
* Glossy paper is preferred. Single weight paper due to cheaper
The following shipping fee is required upon posting. A picture is necessary.
* Most publications (not all) prefer 8 "x 10". check
Before you prepare for you, the specific requirements of the publication
Pictures for sale.
* Since there is a in each print you make, each negative number
It's a number
* Please order rubber name of your name, address, phone number
And extra lines for the number of images and stamp them
Information on the back of the print you want to provide.
* Always use hard printed cardboard between the mail you are mailing
Protect them and make a neat package.
* Use a craft envelope and always write "Please do not bend" with a
Red felt in the envelope to avoid improper handling of you
Submit all the photos of sales that can not be expected as *
Include return envelopes of self posting with enough postage so
Those rejected can be mailed back to you.
* It is not necessary to send a letter with photos as it is
It is not useful for selling photos.
* Please confirm that you obtain written consent from anyone.
You are going to shoot and sell. You can get the standard
Many photoshop called "model release"
Send your picture to the editor and enclose a copy of the release
Together with them.
Do not provide the same image for multiple publications in
If the same time does not match, it is rejected by the photograph and distribution of one magazine
Make them to other publications.
Many amateurs are known for this little. you
You can do the same by following simple advice
This report outlines it.
How to make money with your hobbies
Millions of people around the world are gathering stamps as hobbies,
And the number is increasing every day.
So exciting things you can not taste - you can also have a rewarding motivation as a hobby
Very useful.
The price of a stamp will depend on the supply and demand for a number
Increase of collector. The price of the stamp is rising steadily,
As the supply of stamps declined and more people want to do
Get them.
Most people start collection for joy and education
Just like other hobbies, however, this hobby offers finance
As the collection over experiences a steady increase, likewise the reward
You can start the experience of your own business,
I am doing. For details
Become a dealer and write to
American Stamps Handling Dealers Association
147 W 42 nd Street, New York, NY 10036.
How to get started:
At very early stages of life some people collect stamps, it is often
Small package gifts of stamps given to children, and
A child becomes a collector of life. As the collection grows,
Tools become indispensable:
* Stamp album
* Hinge
* Magnifying glasses and scissors
They can be obtained from fixed stores or from your local stamps
Albums can be found at any price.
The most expensive thing at about $ 200.00.
Stamps should always be handled carefully, so always
It is a very important factor to determine the price of resale
The various grades of stamps are as follows.
Poor thing
Samples with outstanding conditions often sell many times
Catalog value, which is the reason why you do not handle arbitrary stamps erroneously ,,
I was able to significantly lower its value
If you want to know if you have your precious stamp
For the pursuit of collection and this hobby is really serious, you
You can purchase the standard stamp catalog of List Scott
All stamps in the world. This is an encyclopedia of three volumes,
It is a complete reference. You can also consult it at your branch
Library If you do not want to go to costs for hours
The opening collection is known to everyone.
Stamps they get from another country will also pass the old
Characters and small boxes hidden in your attic, chances are it
It will be surprising that you can get out of it. Other cheap
The source of supply is flea market and garage sale. start
Exchange when you are doubling. There are many stamp clubs
Over all the countries, it would highly recommend for serious
The collector belongs to 1. In this way, you
I should learn about this field
A club at a collection stamp also offers
The possibility to exchange and sell your stamp.
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