If you want to make lots of your talent - live to your full potential
- You need to learn to use them. I have the power to change your custom
- Get new skills and fully use the skills you have right now. I will.
Improve your performance, productivity, and your overall quality
What makes a high achievement? Is it luck, intelligence, talent, dedication?
All of these things make a difference. But we all
Know rational, competent, diligent people who do not consider
Myself was very successful, or happy. And we know no people
It is very bright, but seems to have been successful with happiness.
So, there must be something else, a secret to success. Actually there
Peak performance with multiple secrets - life's
Complete possibility.
Your success in business, friendship, love, sports - just about anything
Your misfortune
It is what you choose. Choosing not to think will make you unhappy.
Well, it may have not been so, but I was consciously choosing it,
With confidence, I succeeded.
When we chase it directly, we do not know happiness. That's why I am confident.
Both appear to be "side products" more than what you can achieve
For itself. Although it became able to be fixed, there are times when it is hard to see these consciously selected
Any value? Well, the secret is to focus on other things.
First, the focus of your potential. Begin by making it complete and accurate
Evaluation of your possibility. To do this, you need to take stock of
On your own - you make several lists. Sit down and make a list of all
You can do it. Be honest with yourself. When that list is complete,
Even if you think you can not, we will create a list of all things you want to do
Do better them. Next, I will create a list of everything you want
You can do it on your current hobby list.
And go back to the list of things you can do well. You probably
To be too hard on yourself. There are most of us. Areas
Something like saying voice head: "You're so dam" "I can not
Learn to do it, "or" You do nothing on the right, "or similar awkward
Things - In case it got even worse, I heard that you heard the sound heard
The truth of the gospel. So now, block that voice - you can do it - and add some
Many things on the list of things you can do well. I pretend to be yours
Best friend - it's far more tolerant and charitable how we are amazing
We are more than ourselves, with our friends. Now you are the best for you
Friend, you should be able to add some items to your "Successful" list.
I think that it is just an honest list.
Next, you will go to your list of things you want to do, but you feel like you do not
Well, if you say as your own best friend, do you think there are several things
In this list, can you go to your "Successful" list? Probably
is. If you like to do it chances are to do it pretty well with that. Small tits.
In the same way a list of your hobbies.
Then go to your list of things that you wish to do. Small tits.
You yourself, "Why can not I do this if I like to." Put your reasons
Another list. I understood that, there are lots of lists to go - that is good
Is it going to do? Well, you made your own assessment. I will.
It was truly honest to make these lists, it may be quite considerable
Accurate evaluation. Probably not, but that's okay. This evaluation
It is not engraved on a stone It is subject to change. But now
With what is on the list. At least you have a place to start.
Look on your list again. Focusing on everything you feel
I can not do why I can not. Well, please do not.
Focus on what you can do - Focus on your possibilities. Make it a habit
Focus on your strengths. Do not forget to include your undeveloped
Potentially, as well. Instead train yourself to focus on your possibilities
Your limits.
It is not now to say that you should ignore the list of reasons you are not
Doing some of what you want to do. Not at all! But look
Those from the perspective of your strength. For example, do the following
It is too short to cherish the thought that "it is basketball", may be good for garlic
In this case, you are looking at it from the perspective of your limit.
Well, when you see it from the perspective of your strength, you will
"Well, I may be pretty short to play, but I am fast. I can handle it
A well ball. I have plenty of stamina. I can not change, but I could not put it out
Please refuse my limits to overcome my strength. "
Can you see the difference? By focusing on your limitations,
Determine the limits. Focus on your strengths
Make a decision. To return to our example: When you decide to do
Basketball to height restriction for overcoming
I want to do - you will be more determined to develop your strengths
I'd like to pay a price.
If you want to do, you will be determined to develop your full potential
Strength. Very few people focus entirely on their development
Strength. That is where you have an edge. Let's go
Disadvantage But your singleness of your decision, purpose,
Encourage you to fully develop the skills and talents you have.
I'm afraid I'm not interested in basketball. After that, I will go to you
Your own evaluation. What is your great interest in you? What are you
Do you have natural fitness for? It's a fight. Dedicate yourself to something
I really want to do it. I just thought so I could not choose something
I will be able to make money more
I really work rather. You do not work to develop your rich possibilities. you
The enthusiasm to start with the moon is a flag soon. It will be chore
go to work. I disliked myself. I will.
Difficult task improvement Improve your ability to do what you like
Is doing. Probably not working up your potential. your
Success is probably limited by your lack of growth of interest and your
Happiness certainly is affected.
But if you dedicate yourself to what you really want to do,
Work is fun, having a hot feeling ", so find out yourself
Working on skill is just that pleasure. you are
Work to reach your full potential. Cucumber
Earn more money with this really fun occupation than you
I saw a possible dream. Because I like what you are doing, you
I am more happy.
Work on your abundant possibilities and enjoy your enjoyment when you know
To start feeling work and success, if you find that confidence
Happiness lasts soon.
But you must be realistic and honest. If you set a goal
Probably can not reach, you are setting your own obstacle. you
Let yourself disappoint and make you unhappy. The key here is realistic,
Honest assessment of your potential.
Most people are their assessment, so unnecessarily rough
It is easy to become too promising when you start breaking the barrier. if,
For example, you would like music if you are very interested
I love to become a singer, it will be impossible to set a singer's career
If you can not sing a note, your purpose (a talent is congenital). But if you
Knowledge about music business and be happy
It will be reasonable to involve in some other capacity and pursue it
Career in business.
To be alert to make completely unrealistable otherwise completely rational goal
Of a tough time frame. When you set the goal, you will probably be set
Follow the procedure for achieving doubling
Goal You will probably even if you have not officially set the time frame
How much time for a player with a good idea. That is wise
Sit down and officially set these goals. Think about it, give myself
Reasonable time to achieve them. In order to display these, we will deal with ourselves
Flexible time limit.
If things do not go as planned, please do not be discouraged. Sometimes
Apparently based on the data, it will be time and error. We all have experienced failure
One size or another. The key is to show failure as learning
Experience - If there is nothing else, failure will tell you what you will not do. To remain
Flexible. As long as you continue to focus on your strength and potential,
The right thing will probably come together, not sooner or later.
But do not quit at the first sign of boredom. Even if you really find it
I do not feel niche is eagerly 100% of the time.
Do not worry about other - do not compare your progress with other it.
No matter how successful you are, you will find someone else,
It's got to be like - I want her to win
Go faster and easier than you. Maybe it may not be so Who
I be concerned? Focus on your own achievements. Develop your skills,
Talent to their full potential. You yourself - compete against your short term
The objective should be based on today's work. If you are reaching
Today's point, point B Make your next goal - to improve yourself
Do not worry about other people
I knew what your final goal is. Please confirm that it is
Certainly defined goals. "I want to be famous someday" alone will not cut it.
Define exactly what you want to do. Define a reasonable time frame. know
What you have to do to get there. You do not need to know even a bit
Must have details, but a large number of large images and details.
If you have a goal in mind, but do not know what you need to reach it,
You need to find out. Do some reading, talk to someone you know, ask
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