Africa is a huge continent with various people, groups, cultures and traditions. This diversity can be seen even in the artistic nature presented to the world of old African tribal art. Modern African art is very strong and has a famous personal history. To ensure that healthy and abundant crops are to be celebrated, their jobs are intentional and purposef, as their beautiful and long-awaited African mask, to be used in the opening ceremony, to saddle. did. .
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Africa, tribal art, mask, figures, statues
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Africa is a huge continent with various people, groups, cultures and traditions. This diversity can be seen even in the artistic nature presented to the world of old African tribal art. Modern African art is very strong and has a famous personal history. Their beautiful and coveted African masks meet the spiritual needs of his tribe to ensure healthy and abundant crops to celebrate, to grieve, to be used in the opening ceremonies There was work deliberately created intentionally for it. They were pouring in with spirituality and served for functional purposes. Using these masks in Africa, consult the chiefly ask for communication is an ancestor. Spirits and ancestors were believed to live in African masks after special rituals were held.
Another popular artistic character of this continent African figures and fetish are also tied strongly to supernatural, again made for the purpose of crossing the supernatural world African artists started especially in the early 20th century, The great organized shapes, spirituality, abstraction, imagination of such Pablo Picasso, Vincent van Gogh and Modigliani served to free Western artists from detention.
Today, Torch is a contemporary artist in Africa, such as Efiaimbelo, Fanizani Akuda, Frederic Blue Reeve Warble Prince Twins Seven Seven, and Reinata Sadimba These artists strive and artistic excellence of their ancestors We continue to strive to maintain. The art of classical African tribes had a mysterious element. The prized African tribal artworks were those who had spiritual significance and were actually used for mysterious purposes. Technology and importance of African tribes Tribes and people in Africa were passed from generation to generation, the function and purpose of art was much more important than its "aesthetics". These pieces were actually used at the initiation, ritual, funeral, ritual.
These classic African tribal art still remains widely but the artist of the later generation and the art evolved because the times have changed and people in Africa moved from the village to the city and dependence on the tribe is not stronger now doing. The new art is under the influence of the day, just as it is crafted by the world and art, it is no longer being held to fulfill the spiritual or mysterious purpose
Below, we discuss three contemporary and excellent African artists. These artists introduce the world to the new Africa, its new artistic nature and form. And sometimes ignoring while ridiculed for not living in past standards. They are trying to create their own standards. Now, you expect that many people around the world will still come from Africa Find cheap African tribal masks and dolls individuals and groups mass-producing real african artists seriously that tradition, "their own I wonder if it is based on the maximum technology of work.
1. Efiaimbelo: African contemporary artist Efiaimbelo (born 1925-2006, Androka, Mahafaland, Madagascar) has created most of his excellent art in the southwestern part of Madagascar Efiaimbelo's work is encouraged by his Mahafaly ancestory It was done. This group of people is known for their creation of funery steles or aloalos being used to mark graves at the grave site. It is a handicraft handed down from my father to my son for many generations. These funery steles (aloalos) are made to celebrate the memories of the deceased, and are compliments of a certain age. Aloalos is placed or is planted around the strucuture of the grave in the form of a square.
Efiamibelo expanded the artistry of aloalos. He was one of the first artists to paint aloalos exclusively for decorative charm. He uses acrylic color and begins to add new and excited images to aloalos.
Efiamibelo's work was also influenced later by the West and he later adopted the Western theme for his work. Efiamibelo was a sophisticated African artist who did a lot to move his genre forward with the champion.
2. Fanizani Akuda: Contemporary African artist Fanizani Akuda (born 1932 -, Zambia) is one of the first generation Zimbabwe sculptures legend. He also became a member of the world famous Tengenege art community in the 1960 's. His work generally has "slit eyes", people and animals interacting together, happy people and families. The artistic nature of Akuda extends from all over the world to Germany, the United States, Australia, and many other countries. His work is exhibited in some of the world's most prestigious museums, he continues to be one of the most respected artists in the world, a true master with his skills
3. Frederic Brûly Bouabre: African contemporary artist Frederic Brûly Bouabre's (born 1923 -. Zepregue, Cote d'Ivoire) Life's work gained inspiration from the vision he experienced in 1948. In that vision, he saw in the seven colorful suns that created a beautiful circle around the sun of their mother, heaven. He became Cheik Nadro, "Who has not he forgotten From that point, Bouabre began to acquire more and more knowledge about subjects such as poetry, art, tradition, religion, philosophy, etc. He is a great It became a champion of scholars and his Bete people.
In the decade of the 1970s, Frederic Blue Bouabre began using ballpoint pens and crayons to create small, postcard-like drawings. He titled these drawings Connaissance Dumondo. Bouabre continues to be inspired by science, tradition, dreams and signs. This quote by Boo Able said, "Now that we are recognized as an artist, our obligation is to organize it into society, and in that way
Singer stage fear
Do you know well-known professional singers will also get stage phobia now? Awesome stage fear games were hindering the great Barbara Streisand from doing live for many years. So, are not you alone?
In fact, stage fear is the only mental condition for unknown fear. Yes, that is basic human fear, survival instinct. This is a very general anguish and will affect everyone who must go to the stage in the face of the audience. Survey h ...
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Overcoming stage fear, singer, song performance,
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Do you know well-known professional singers will also get stage phobia now? Awesome stage fear games were hindering the great Barbara Streisand from doing live for many years. So, are not you alone?
In fact, stage fear is the only mental condition for unknown fear. Yes, that is basic human fear, survival instinct. This is a very general anguish and will affect everyone who must go to the stage in the face of the audience. According to the survey, many people are singing dead more than "fear".
Always break your mind Break at neck speed There will be many questions before each show such as racing, 'Oh, I have a bad throat today, it affects my songs I go out of tune . How does the audience react to my performance? 'When you get out of cold sweat it will be extremely cold.
As I can not answer these questions I will be heavily weighted in performance, stress, anxiety and fear. Hey, no matter how much you destroy your heart and fret on it, you will never find any answer until after the performance of your song.
The fear of the phases triggers a fight or flight response, tightens the body, tightens the digestive system, and increases your heart rate Hormonal change in your body This is definitely the ideal condition of the song There is none.
You know that stress and anxiety can affect your voice, personas and performance in a harmful way, it is all even just a pyramid.
One of the best ways to overcome stage fear is to prepare mentally and physically well. Knowing that you have fully practiced your songs and performances and have confidence and strength to flaunt your talents and hard work rehearsals to stage
Another way to overcome stage fear is to take it your mind. What better way has been established is good warming practice. Many singers I know are warm voice codes. How can singers sing easily without properly warming up their instruments, in this case, the vocal cords?
Performance as well as warm up before taking your mind away from stress, it makes it easier for you to hit notes,
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