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Impossibility is just a word

Everyone dreams of being someone special, someone special, at some point in his or her life. Have you fantasized about who hits Homer who won the game? Who does not dream of being a queen of homecoming? How many hours are you dreaming, or is it not successful, happy and relationship with us?

A big dream is a dream. Unfortunately, our dreams are just as it is - a dream. It's easy to gather your aspirations dust at our attic.

This is a sad turn of the event in our life. Instead, experiencing an exciting adventure to self-fulfillment, we are barely already existing only by getting caught up in the ordinary life of daily life.

But what do you know? If you can not live, I will aim for even higher heights.

The most common problem for setting goals is the word impossible. I think most people will get it. It's too hard. That's impossible too. Nobody can do this.

But when everyone thinks about it, there will be no invention, innovation, or breakthrough in human achievement.

Keep in mind that scientists were puzzled when they were seeing the humble bumblebee. In theory, they said that the bumblebow was impossible to fly. Unfortunately, because of Bumble, a bee not told by anyone. So, it does not fly.

On the other hand, some people dream of completely ridiculous dreams and suffer they do not act on them. Result is? Broken dreams, and the wishful wish.

If you restrict yourself on the premise of self-doubt and self restriction, you can never break what seems impossible. If you reach too far in the sky without working towards your goal, you cling to your impossible dreams.

Try this exercise. Take a piece of paper and write down some goals in your life. Under the headers, you can select the items you ordered from under list. Or you may be able to write other headers. "And under the other, we will list what is impossible for you to do.

Now look at all the headers and strive everyday to achieve the goals under things "I know what you can do". You can check it and achieve it. Try achieving the goal under other headers so that you can check all of your goals slowly under that headline "

You are accomplished like items you wrote under what I can do, you may be able to do "things re"

By repeating this process, you can see that it is easier to achieve the goal that you thought was impossible. And impossible will eventually start to appear.

That is imagination that technology is unlimited. That is to aim for a high goal and start work gradually toward that goal. However, it is not prudent to set truly unrealistic goals.

A person who does not work hard and just dreams of the purpose is disappointed and disillusioned.

On the other hand, if one talks to someone that a man could be in the moon a hundred years ago, they will laugh at you. If you have told them that you can send mail from here on the other side of the world in a few seconds, they say you were out of your mind However, with thin desires and patience these impossible A dream is a reality.

Thomas Edison Genius is 1% inspiration and 99% sweat. Nothing may be true. I have had one job and discipline to achieve his or her dreams. But please be aware that 1% must be a big dream of thought, not easy to achieve.

Ask for any gym rat and tell you that there is no benefit unless he or she is taken out of your comfort zone. "No pain, no profit" Remember the maxim? It is as true as possible.

So dream of a friend on! Do not get caught up in your perceptual limit. It is my mind and creator's dream. As you step up the ladder of progress, you will know just about impossible just a little more possible.

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