The truth is that we humans need more time than we already have. So, rich people complain that money stole their happy days, those who are not financially talented say that only money can complete their lives.
The truth lies somewhere in the middle.
It is not accurate to say that money brings happiness. But at the same time, we can not charge money. We are never really happy, perhaps just for a few moments when we reach our objectives or complete our dream's thing. However, shortly afterwards, new totally different problems and desires are created to get rid of that happiness. It is an unstable and uncertain human nature, not a bad thing.
Regardless of whether we want to admit it or not, we are all happy with the moment of our life, but what we say is never happy We are tense, sad or depressed There is always something to give our self-guarantee and way of life.
And money is certainly one of those factors. Many people just need it to pay for food and if they are enough to offer it just refuge and they are happy. But other people, and I are not talking about rich here, they already have guarantee of some life, other desires, things and lists they want to buy are one by one we You can go on and on as you go up to the social, financial level. Because I want it, I respond to stress even if I do not have anything to do.
Actually, if we become happy only with what we have, we will not think much about money. Money is the key factor in the achievement of stability and eventual happiness as we have allowed it, it is that we push it up to that table. Happiness is difficult to reach because money exists.
But again, unless it is for money, we will come up with something that will interfere with our lives and bring us infinite diversity problems ...
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