For many, the interview is the single most tense part of the job search process. Any number of things can go wrong and the big part of being successful is avoiding simple mistakes. Below is a list of some of the most common mistakes in the interview.
1. Failure to study the company: The interviewee expects candidates to use time to research and read about their company. Do your homework before the interview; know the fact the company does and who the competitor is. If you do not take time to review the employer's website and understand what you are recruiting for, you can continue successfully by the interview process
2. It is not clear what you are interviewing: emphasize how you are suitable for that particular job, so that you can tie your experience, talent, strength, ability with company needs.
3. Selling is yourself. "What makes you different from others, they know your main strengths and outcomes as they relate to the job and company you are applying.
4. No meaningful question: at least 3-4 intellectually want to ask for recruitment. It is good to have them pre-written and to reference them at the right time (actually leave a positive impression with the recruiter). The interview is an exchange of information, indicating that questions and incoming notes did not prepare for the whole interview.
5. Under clothes for interview: Professional attire to attention and attention is still counted. Never be too professional in any case. Remember that your appearance, voice tone, your actions all contribute to the impression you make (positive or negative). Can be presented - please wear pushed suit and shirt and polished shoes.
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