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Lecture note Very attractive query letter

1. Test the idea:

In order to lead to sales, your query must persuade the editor who has a clear idea that you plan to cover in the article.

So before you write the letter carefully consider your idea's idea and draw yourself writing articles to your friends.

2. Find the angle:

I talk about shrinking that is often the angle you find. Topics like "sports", "table tennis" is excellent, it is too narrow, narrow to say. Frequently, shrinking a story to a single dimension, eg focusing on an important person, place, or event, gives a sellable angle.

Sometimes it must be popular for a new approach to the editor. One way is to take an idea like "Overcome Failure" and "Failure can be good for you." It does not need to be exotic to sell "New, Improved" Something secular as it usually worked by adding new ingredients.

3. Research aid:

While it is possible to write many questions completely from your own knowledge, pay a little research, it is an editor waiting for a dividend due time. The fact is to sell the editor of thought. Contents with a lot of inquiries for editors: contents not only to know but not understand "will tend to afflict millions of people last year and become more susceptible to yeast infection." How many millions of people are taught - why!

Study both the market and the topic you are turning to. The general reason for rejection is that the knowledge of the magazine is inadequate.

4. Formation of your ingredients:

After you had the basics:
a Idea
b Slant / Fact, and
c Market

Next, you are ready to write the query. Good queries never allow until a strong beginning, editors are sold. "Reverse pyramid" which emphasizes 5 W (who, what, when, where, why) explaining the story and the most interesting information first. If you save your best for the last, you lose interest in the editor and you always remember the cut of the editor from the bottom up!

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5. Three main sections to the query:

a Leading paragraph
b Overview
c Author 's bio.

Each has a specific purpose: First, what is the story is, and why / he should buy it, and finally who is going to write it

Lead - aims to make hooks to the editor and to keep reading them.
If you call the editor's attention, move directly to the article's summary.

Summary - This section should convince the editor that you know where to go with the article; it is your source for your topic here as well. Teach the editor will be talking to you, and experts, if they are on the cutting edge of today's technology. Also include a working title here for articles. Do not use for a long time trying to get provocative headlines as titles change frequently by editors in front of publications.

Bio is selling yourself as a writer to the editor as he sold him or her of the author's idea. Bashful should not be present; the editor expects a bit of the bio seller. If persuasive reasons continue, nothing is said and nothing is said, "I have high qualifications to write this article ...". Begin your bio of your publication credit, preferably include a magazine similar to what you are pitching.


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