After experiencing Atkins' dietary induction and owl phases, your next step is to enter the pre-storage phase. This stage sets up for healthy, balanced eating, lifetime of survival. You should start this stage as soon as you come within 5-10 pounds of your target weight's purpose. Your weight loss slows down further, but for the purpose. I would like to learn habits and exercises to determine your long-term success.
At the owl stage, you add carbohydrate grams to your daily count in increments of 5 grams per week. During pre-maintenance, we will increase it to 10 grams per week. As long as you keep losing weight (no matter how slowly it is off), you continue to add grams. Ideally, towards the end of the pre-maintenance phase you will lose less than 1 pound per week.
Coal continuation by this time It is possible to maintain the target weight by this time. This process Your goal is to reach a condition called "carbohydrate equilibrium." This is your ideal carbohydrate intake and causes your weight to be completely maintained.
During pre-maintenance, you can try various foods. Always measure new food slowly with the intake of carbohydrates. Do not add grams of 20 or 30 carb per week. Measuring an incremental increase of 10 will give you a better idea of your personal carbohydrate calculations. Knowing this number will help set-up for long-term weight management.
Make sure to check with your carbohydrate counter resource book or trusted website before adding new food to your diet. Certain examples of 10 carbohydrate gram foods include 1/3 of legume cups, ½ apples, ½ cup of potatoes and ¼ cup of obvious oatmeal, these foods are routinely included And then you can increase it next week.
Pre-management is not a complete process. It still delivers a delicate balance of carbohydrate counts and exercise that will slow it down yet move it forward. You need to pay closer attention than you have before you make sure that your carbohydrate gram increase does not result in weight gain. There is a fine line between acquiring, maintaining, and losing, and we are trying to find exactly where that line is during pre-maintenance.
If you can not add carbohydrates without stalling your weight loss, you can have high metabolism. So take high momentum and have a higher level in metabolic time. Also, it happens to be an owl similar to the preservation period in advance.
Some people make pre-maintenance changes that they can have a treat once a week. Instead, add 10 grams per day, they can treat themselves 20-30 carbohydrate grams several times per week. An example of treatment may be part of fruit or serving sweet potato. White wine and beer glasses are also qualified for this treatment. This rewards yourself and is still a method of enjoyment planned.
Another way to do pre-maintenance is to average your carbohydrate intake in the week. Since life is sometimes unpredictable, having a bit of flexibility in your eating plans can be useful as well. For example, if the current carbohydrate level is 70 grams, you can limit it to 50 grams per day. Later on the next day, you can sprinkle a little on the meal and have 90 grams for that day. However, this method only follows if you do not create carbohydrate withdrawal symptoms. Sometimes extra carbohydrate grams a day, you can crave them further the next day.
In the pre-maintenance phase, we will provide tools for long-term success. Sugar gram slowly through learning is perfect for you, a good amount of carbohydrates.
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