The main concept behind the PH miracle diet is to maintain the pH balance of the food you eat. The human body is slightly alkaline, so it is better for your health to eat a meal composed of alkalized food. When eating too much acidic food, your system becomes unbalanced and may lead to more serious conditions Weight gain, bad concentration, fatigue and weakness
PH miracle diet relies on a list of foods to be acidic (to avoid) and alkaline (to be emphasized). Alkalized food is excellent for your health and helps balance your pH in your body. During words common to acid, alkali and pH, many people mean and do not understand exactly what must be nutritious and healthy.
The word "basic" comes from the "foundation" of the Greek word meaning the foundation. "Basic" relates to acidity and alkalinity properties. These conditions are determined on the basis of cells made up of food. Therefore external treatments do not change food from acid to alkali. Food is acid or alkali base, or foundation.
Acids and alkalis are chemically opposite. Each time these bases interact with acid, there is a struggle between them and salt is the result. In chemists' laboratories, these interactions are very simple and easy. But in our body the interaction is complicated due to the scale where acid and base are filled.
However, science can make some generalizations on the effects of acid and alkali in human digestive systems. Acidic food is acid formed in the human body. They make more acid, blood, lymph and saliva, causing a lower pH number. Alkaline food makes alkaline blood, lymph and saliva, causing a higher pH number.
Just for reference, the "normal" range for saliva pH is between 7.3 and 7.4. But most people are too acidic, much lower pH. They are burned out, exhausted, their body is hungry for balance. Under the influence of acidic foods, muscles easily fatigue. Literally slow down as your body can not produce the same physical result as before.
Free radical oxidation that occurs when you eat acidic foods will make your age faster. Vitamins and minerals are not easily absorbed. Friendly bacteria in the small intestine will leave the balance, erase the digestive system, die. In addition, hurting intestinal function is the fact that high levels of acidity inhibit the ability of the intestinal wall to absorb nutrients. Build cells and emphasize toxins that can not be deleted. Most of the body systems can not be run at full capacity.
On the other hand, alkaline food has various benefits to your health. Output to the upper muscle output to eat. They also have antioxidant activity in the body. They increase assimilation at the cellular level and allow cells to operate in a way they are. The use of alkaline foods reduces hyperproliferation of parasites and yeast. Alkaline food promotion is deeper, more pleasant sleep, more youthful skin and pain relief from cold, headache, flu. Alkaline food promotes rich physical energy.
Perhaps the most important difference between acid and alkaline food is the relationship with cancer. The cancerous tissue is acidic and the healthy tissue is alkaline. It combines hydrogen ions and water when oxygen enters an acidic solution. Oxygen helps neutralize acid, but acid prevents oxygen from reaching the required tissue. When oxygen enters the alkaline solution, the two hydroxyl ions combine with the solution to create one water molecule and one oxygen atom. The only oxygen atom freely goes to the next cell and brings the benefit of oxygen to all the tissues in the body. At pH slightly above 7.4, cancer cells become dormant. The study shows that at pH 8.5, healthy cells live when cancer cells die.
Alkalizing a meal has many advantages in addition to cancer prevention. Alkaline food list is a choice of choice that will benefit your health when starting to incorporate them into your body.
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